I do not take orders from O and that was a SHOUTING COMMAND not a pleasant request! Will she do the same for me then in my 'like for like' response? Doubt it?
Read her posts again mate - she slags me off at just about every given opportunity. If she cannot 'take it' better not to 'dish it'! Ninety nine percent of her posts that include me are - shall we say - unsavourable!

In no way am I attempting to get O banned - she can do that all by herself as was proven a few weeks ago! I have no 'motives' as you put it! How would this get her banned anyway? I am guessing you have confused more than myself on this score!
You post in the CyProb pages don't you? Look at all the 'dishing out' on there - really??
BTW, everyone has a choice - they only have to exercise it!