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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:10 pm

Oracle wrote:
Feisty wrote:How can it lower cholestrol when one egg contains over two thirds of the recommended daily amount?

The secret is in the lecithin :wink:

Which promoters only CLAIM reduces cholesterol! :shock:
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:12 pm

purdey wrote:'The Good Life' and Margot spring to mind.

Good old Margot Leadbetter; she was always bragging to everyone just how 'well-off' she was. Did she get her comeuppance in the end?
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:17 pm

SSBubbles wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Feisty wrote:How can it lower cholestrol when one egg contains over two thirds of the recommended daily amount?

The secret is in the lecithin :wink:

Which promoters only CLAIM reduces cholesterol! :shock:

I am not talking about lecithin as a food supplement from Health Food shops etc ... where they have to use the word CLAIM to avoid legalities.

In biochemical terms it does just that. Simple straightforward test. It is a natural emulsifier; and if you eat eggs, beans, olives you do not need artificial supplements of lecithin.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:22 pm

SSBubbles wrote:
purdey wrote:'The Good Life' and Margot spring to mind.

Good old Margot Leadbetter; she was always bragging to everyone just how 'well-off' she was. Did she get her comeuppance in the end?

Still smarting I had to put you in your place huh 8)

Luckily I am downshifting to my little self-sufficiency plots, with chickens and a goat and getting away from the U.K. rat race ... :lol:

Aaaahhh .... the Good (peasant) Life of Polis. :wink:
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:36 pm

Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:
purdey wrote:'The Good Life' and Margot spring to mind.

Good old Margot Leadbetter; she was always bragging to everyone just how 'well-off' she was. Did she get her comeuppance in the end?

Still smarting I had to put you in your place huh 8)

Luckily I am downshifting to my little self-sufficiency plots, with chickens and a goat and getting away from the U.K. rat race ... :lol:

Aaaahhh .... the Good (peasant) Lijavascript:emoticon(':roll:')
Rolling Eyesfe of Polis. :wink:

You live in fantasy land o! What put down? What place? You really must get out more and stop conversing with just 'YOU'! My place is here with ALL my family! Where is Hamish? You are "barmy" mate!!! If it makes you happy, sobeit! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I am all for 'CARE in the COMMUNITY'! You will have to let us know how it is going for you!

Not all of us are money grabbing PEASANTS - though some of us have more than you would care to know!


PEASANT - you said it sister! :roll: :roll: If the cap fits............................. :wink:
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Postby BOF » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:38 pm

With your attitude to the british im suprised you stayed there so long Margot? seems it couldnt have been such a sh*t place after all with a six bedroom anderson shelter to live in..actually it seems a reverse situation to the british coming here and bad mouthing the Cypriots..hoisted on your own Petard perhaps?
please dont bother replying to my pathetic meanderings as im already on the way to the airport and it will be lost on me Margot..
Jerry. :D
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:01 pm

No "stiff upper lip" amongst the lot of them :roll:

The green-eyed monster gets them in the end. 8)

How dare Johny Foreigner be anything but a peasant :wink:

Time for tiffin anyone :lol:

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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:33 pm

Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:...What about your 'rubbish'. Are the council happy with the rubbish you churn out. Watch out when they begin charging you for it. :lol:

Deniz .... best thing about the UK so far (outside immediate family and pets) ....

They are happy to recycle my rubbish :lol:

Green van came by this morning and took papers, bottles and plastics (duly separated) off for re-cycling. (One point for U.K.) :wink:

That guilt I felt back in the village has been discarded .... and I am determined to make Cyprus re-cycle my rubbish too!

Welcome to the UK O !!
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:22 pm

Oracle wrote:
Feisty wrote:How can it lower cholestrol when one egg contains over two thirds of the recommended daily amount?

The secret is in the lecithin :wink:

It seems the medical profession are completely wrong to denigrate 'eggs' re: the cholesterol factor. I think you are bambboozling the populace with too much scientific jargon with no sustance. This time I beg you to cut and paste your evidence that you are correct about eggs.

If you are right, I will have a go at my GP over this. :lol:

and I will indeed.

Why were we told in the past to cut down on eggs?

In the past it was thought that people should limit the number of eggs they eat because they contain dietary cholesterol. But it is now known that saturates - in which eggs are relatively low - are more influential in raising blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol itself. Over 30 years of prospective epidemiological surveys of CHD risk have consistently found no independent relationship between dietary cholesterol or egg consumption and CHD risk.*

Other recent research** suggests that the prevention of CHD must focus on obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome as the prevalent sources of increased risk. It even goes as far as saying that moderate consumption of eggs (1-2 eggs per day) should be encouraged as part of an energy restricted, weight losing regimen due to eggs’ satiety index. Recent research suggests that eating eggs can help with weight loss – American studies found that by eating two eggs for breakfast, overweight and obese women ate less at subsequent meals and lost more weight than those eating a bagel-based breakfast.***

Eggs contain significant amounts of protein and many other nutrients including vitamins B2, B12, and D, and the minerals phosphorus and iodine, so they can make an important contribution to a healthy diet.

Coronary Heart Disease

The biggest cause of death in men and women in this country is coronary heart disease (CHD). Heart disease is responsible for killing more than 260,000 people every year in the UK alone.

Many factors influence the risk of CHD. These include both non-modifiable factors such as inherited risks (reflected in family history), increasing age and male gender, and modifiable risks such as smoking, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels. There is now increasing evidence that many other factors, including lack of physical activity, being overweight, the distribution of body fat, lack of antioxidants, an abnormal response to insulin, abnormalities in blood clotting factors and high blood homocysteine levels may also contribute to CHD.

However, research has shown that a high blood cholesterol level is one of the major modifiable risk factors of CHD and that our lifestyles, and particularly the food we eat, can influence our blood cholesterol level and therefore our risk of heart disease.

The following key facts are designed to help dispel some of the myths surrounding cholesterol.

I am back on eggs and pastourma. Yippee.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:48 pm

SSBubbles wrote:
Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:
purdey wrote:'The Good Life' and Margot spring to mind.

Good old Margot Leadbetter; she was always bragging to everyone just how 'well-off' she was. Did she get her comeuppance in the end?

Still smarting I had to put you in your place huh 8)

Luckily I am downshifting to my little self-sufficiency plots, with chickens and a goat and getting away from the U.K. rat race ... :lol:

Aaaahhh .... the Good (peasant) Lijavascript:emoticon(':roll:')
Rolling Eyesfe of Polis. :wink:

You live in fantasy land o! What put down? What place? You really must get out more and stop conversing with just 'YOU'! My place is here with ALL my family! Where is Hamish? You are "barmy" mate!!! If it makes you happy, sobeit! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I am all for 'CARE in the COMMUNITY'! You will have to let us know how it is going for you!

Not all of us are money grabbing PEASANTS - though some of us have more than you would care to know!


PEASANT - you said it sister! :roll: :roll: If the cap fits............................. :wink:

Your personal prejudices need reigning in again :roll:

So why would I give you private information about my husband, since you were the first to teach me how such information can be abused by forum lunatics such as yourself?
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