Sotos wrote:Oracle wrote:Sotos seriously, the body is weakened by a long-term high protein diet.
But if you want to bulk up just eat more eggs, fish, chicken and as Rebel said, nuts. You will burn off the extra calories if you are weight training anyway. Just stay off the "empty" calories, like sweets.
Thanks Orcale but if you eat a lot of chicken, fish and eggs isn't again a high protein diet? So whats the difference if you take protein with a powder? I want some supplement because I can't eat meat or fish more than once a day.
The difference is Sotos, that when you eat those natural things, eggs, nuts etc. they are already fairly balanced ... with fat. Protein eaten without fat is particularly bad at causing gout I seem to remember.
Those supplements are pure protein such as not normally found naturally.
If you really want to bulk up, say for 2 months (that should be enough to see a big difference in your body combined with exercise) then take them, but be aware of the fact your body is not necessarily becoming healthier.
BTW How many grams of supplement are they recommending per Kilogram of body-weight?
Because that is another erroneous factor .. just because someone is bigger, they assume they can take more grams of supplement, but the kidneys of a bigger person do not necessarily function better to get rid of the toxins from excessive protein breakdown products.
I realise you did not expect all these objections from all of us ... but I am so old that I know you can improve your body without gimmicks, just balanced diet and exercise.