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Need trading standards, anyone know where they are?

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Postby Crivens » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:55 am

Should have split the stuff up. So instead of spending E90 and they end up only giving you one free coke, then split into three E30 portions and pay for each one at a time. Technically they should then give you three cokes. If they push the one per customer idea then phone up friends and family to slowly go through their checkout with exactly E30 of stuff. And pay by cheque. Slowly. After putting lots of stuff back and forgetting what you were doing a lot...

Seriously though, they should have acted a lot better. Screaming and throwing things around is hardly nice, especially when it is the people running the place. Some people need to relax before it kills them (or someone else does who isn't as mentally adjusted as the rest of us and takes offence).

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Postby cyprico » Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:51 pm

Thanks everyone for the help, I will let you know the outcome as I am going tomorrow to the Larnaca one its only 5mins from where I live.
I will not let this drop, will put the outcome on the forum.
Yes they should have acted better, we told the manager how can the staff talk to the customers like this, we are the ones keeping you in business, his reply was " its Cyprus, we can say and do what we want " with a laugh?

Thanks again for all the help.
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Postby Raymanoff » Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:18 am

recolonization... will solve many problems, i am calling Elisabeth...

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Postby CBBB » Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:14 am

Is recolonization having a replacement arsehole installed?

If so, there seem to be plenty of spares around!

Also did you get your Z and last S the wrong way round on purpose?
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