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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby pantheman » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:08 pm

T_C wrote:I'm actually quite excited about all this. I think they'll end up striking a deal. Everyone involved needs a solution, weather the people vote Yes/No is another story...

T_C welcome back, but i won't start jizzing my pants just yet buddy.

The problem is not Talat, but his masters that concern me. I have no issue with Talat as he has no authority over anything and he WILL do as he is told.

I am more concerned with the red lines Turkey has imposed and makes every effort to publcise them at every chance. She won't lose face and then a deal becomes even more difficult to find.

I guess we can hope, but I am not holding my breath.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:12 pm

Nikitas wrote:Andrea,

The question now is whether there are enough TCs left in the north to make a difference. The latest population figures are alarming. I heard them last night on RIKSAT from a TC and understood that the game is lost. There are less than 55000 TCs left on the island.

Not quite, because the political leadership is still in TC hands. I hear that the UBP plans to field 50% mainland Turkish candidates in the next elections. Once all the senior offices are filled by Turks as opposed to Turkish Cypriots, then the game will finally be up.
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Postby humanist » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:19 pm

Nikitas hi, yes iceman raised an interesting point the other day abour a referendum. It really saddens me to see those figures dropping. TC's may find this really difficult to appreciate tht a GC is concerned about this issue, am sure you will understand and appreciate when I say that Cyprus is unique because we have had the TC influence in Cyprus for over many decades. As someone who lives in Greece you may be able to recognise the difference between Cypriots and Greeks and I put it down to the fact that Cyprus had two predominant groups and a couple of less dominant cultural groups.

For what is worth I am saddenened to see those numbers of TC's reduced and replaced by settlers and their children.

The story continues, we have only time to see.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:24 pm

humanist wrote:pantheman, I know that talat is a mere puppet to Turkey though things are brewing the TC's can no longer stand seeing the free areas excell in europe and they are mising out. They are also discovering freedom and are probably seeing right through Turkeys use and abuse of them.

As far as hallils propaganda posts well take it just as that.

I think Christofias is onto what Turkey is aiming to do. But I think he demilitarisation of the Island is a way of getting turkey out of the way. Now its all up to the TC's as to what they want. It is also up to all Cypriots not to vote for something they do not support when it goes to referendum.

I agree neither side should agree to anything they do not want both sides have the right to say NO.

Which areas are the GCs excelling?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:pantheman, I know that talat is a mere puppet to Turkey though things are brewing the TC's can no longer stand seeing the free areas excell in europe and they are mising out. They are also discovering freedom and are probably seeing right through Turkeys use and abuse of them.

As far as hallils propaganda posts well take it just as that.

I think Christofias is onto what Turkey is aiming to do. But I think he demilitarisation of the Island is a way of getting turkey out of the way. Now its all up to the TC's as to what they want. It is also up to all Cypriots not to vote for something they do not support when it goes to referendum.

I agree neither side should agree to anything they do not want both sides have the right to say NO.

Which areas are the GCs excelling?

Here are just some . Banking , Insurance , Shipping , Corporate events , to name just a few .
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Postby humanist » Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:31 am

thnx Milti :)
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:02 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:pantheman, I know that talat is a mere puppet to Turkey though things are brewing the TC's can no longer stand seeing the free areas excell in europe and they are mising out. They are also discovering freedom and are probably seeing right through Turkeys use and abuse of them.

As far as hallils propaganda posts well take it just as that.

I think Christofias is onto what Turkey is aiming to do. But I think he demilitarisation of the Island is a way of getting turkey out of the way. Now its all up to the TC's as to what they want. It is also up to all Cypriots not to vote for something they do not support when it goes to referendum.

I agree neither side should agree to anything they do not want both sides have the right to say NO.

Which areas are the GCs excelling?

Here are just some . Banking , Insurance , Shipping , Corporate events , to name just a few .

Last edited by Viewpoint on Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:03 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:pantheman, I know that talat is a mere puppet to Turkey though things are brewing the TC's can no longer stand seeing the free areas excell in europe and they are mising out. They are also discovering freedom and are probably seeing right through Turkeys use and abuse of them.

As far as hallils propaganda posts well take it just as that.

I think Christofias is onto what Turkey is aiming to do. But I think he demilitarisation of the Island is a way of getting turkey out of the way. Now its all up to the TC's as to what they want. It is also up to all Cypriots not to vote for something they do not support when it goes to referendum.

I agree neither side should agree to anything they do not want both sides have the right to say NO.

Which areas are the GCs excelling?

Here are just some . Banking , Insurance , Shipping , Corporate events , to name just a few .

So? Switzerland and Sweden are way ahead of the south so what?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:04 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:pantheman, I know that talat is a mere puppet to Turkey though things are brewing the TC's can no longer stand seeing the free areas excell in europe and they are mising out. They are also discovering freedom and are probably seeing right through Turkeys use and abuse of them.

As far as hallils propaganda posts well take it just as that.

I think Christofias is onto what Turkey is aiming to do. But I think he demilitarisation of the Island is a way of getting turkey out of the way. Now its all up to the TC's as to what they want. It is also up to all Cypriots not to vote for something they do not support when it goes to referendum.

I agree neither side should agree to anything they do not want both sides have the right to say NO.

Which areas are the GCs excelling?

Here are just some . Banking , Insurance , Shipping , Corporate events , to name just a few .

So? Switzerland and Sweden are way ahead of the south so what?

Yes VP, shipping is very big in Switzerland.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby umit07 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:14 pm

Kikapu we in the north have also excelled in the area of shipping in "Fica" . :lol:
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