Viewpoint wrote:magikthrill I wouldnt relegate the Annan plan to toilet paper just yet you may have use it again, then where will you be (shit allover your hands) just like when you said enough why does everyone complain Papadop hasnt revealed the changes he wants, the SG knows the changes the GCs want it was all detailed in a letter dated.......
Bananiot wrote:Here we go again
- There will be no negotiations.
- What will happen if the Sun tomorrow rises from the west?
If those are the dilemmas of the President then:
a) He should not give the specific changes to the Plan
b) He should wait until a new, impartial SG is appointed, or even better a pro Greek SG is installed so that there will be no fear that he will reveal our aces to the enemy.
I apologise for the tone of my answers but I find your questions oozing with Middle East canniness. This is not how international politics are run. My reference to the so called areas of concern had to do with magicthrill's outburst that "enough is enough" that is, Papadopoulos has already given the changes he wants to the SG. So it had nothing to do with your goal posts which of course remain cemented in deep concrete and no one can move them.
Let me repeat. If we seriously want the peace process to proceed, we need to pick up the ball from our court because it has taken roots in our court. If we seriously want the Plan to be the basis of a future solution, we need to pinpoint the changes we aspire. This will not damage us. It could lead to the opening of another window of hope. We need to stop encouraging the refugees and stop filling their brains with false hopes that the courts can solve their problem. We need to stop those that are trying their damnest to caltivate suspicion between the two communities.
I am a slanderous person because I tell the truth about Papadopoulos
Bananiot wrote:Kifeas stop the pathetic rummbling. I am a slanderous person because I tell the truth about Papadopoulos and now I have a defected logic because I consider your second question completely ridiculous. Of course your one track mind stopped you from seeing the analogy. Once again, I apologise if I got carried away with name calling but in one line you call me opinionated (?), slanderous and mentally sick.
-Furthermore, what happens if Kofi Annan takes Papadopoullos detailed list and goes to the Turkish side, shows them the list and asks them whether they can accept Papadopoullos changes and they say no, none is acceptable or maybe 2 or 3 of them are but they ask for changes (in exchange) that are further worsening the plan for our side?
Annan will never do this. He has a mind of his own (despite being black) to evaluate the changes Papadopoulos is asking. Annan will accept resonable changes to his plan and when he does so, the Turkish side will once again become the intransigent part if they get stubborn and refuse to negotiate. That is how it was until Papadopoulos came to power, remember? If the changes we want are reasonable the international community will support us but isn't this what Papadopoulos is afraid of?
Why doesn't Kofi Annan call a new round of talks without the preconditions that he is asking and then see how it goes? After all, wasn't this exactly the same way and method on which all the previous rounds of talks during the last 30 years, have been based on?
Viewpoint wrote:KifeasWhy doesn't Kofi Annan call a new round of talks without the preconditions that he is asking and then see how it goes? After all, wasn't this exactly the same way and method on which all the previous rounds of talks during the last 30 years, have been based on?
You are an intelligent person when you want to be, but when it suits you you play ignorant. Annan has expressed great disappointment in the GC no, everyone (including GCs themelves) who put a lot of work and effort into the Annan plan felt betrayed and let down by the GC rejection so no one wants to take any chances and start on a road that will only lead to a negative result. (Greek Cypriots felt betrate by him too both by his handlings during the last round of talks and his notorious pro -Turkish arbitration on the very last moment.) Thats why he wats to see if Papadops wants are feasible is it worth going back to the table if he demands changes which are so extreeme that they will in essence change the philosphy of the plan,(who decides what lies within the philosophy of the plan and what is not? What is the philosophy of the plan, anyway?) hes aware that Papadop may use these tactics to delay any solution and stay in power, (stay in power? who decites on who is on power other than the GC people?) thats what he appears to doing right now, Annan is very experienced with dealing with both sides and knows what he can and cannot get out of each leader. (So does Papadopoullos. You can be a very good PR agent for Annan, if you do not know it.) He is shrewed and again has passed the ball in to the GC court, but the GCs do not appear to see or even want to hit the ball back. (We are happy to have the ball in our court. Those who want us to kick it, they can say so and come and pick it up.)
(Greek Cypriots felt betrate by him too both by his handlings during the last round of talks and his notorious pro -Turkish arbitration on the very last moment.)
,(who decides what lies within the philosophy of the plan and what is not? What is the philosophy of the plan, anyway?)
(stay in power? who decites on who is on power other than the GC people?)
(So does Papadopoullos. You can be a very good PR agent for Annan, if you do not know it.)
We are happy to have the ball in our court. Those who want us to kick it, they can say so and come and pick it up.
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