suetoniuspaulinus wrote:Gentlemen
Thank you for an interesting evening
Good Night
Good Night Sir!
Kifeas wrote:negotiator wrote:You want to speak about the spending of armaments, then look at the USA. The reason is trade pure ans simple evertying else is an excuse!
The USA happens to have a per capita income 10 times higher than Turkey and therefore she can afford the excess spending on armaments.
On the other hand, Turkey spends an almost equivalent amount per head on armaments but at the same time, half of her population lives well under the level of poverty and remain illiterate, because there are not enough schools. You have more tanks than schools in the entire of Turkey.
Murtaza wrote:
Not that much:) And well at least we agree one point. We spend too much to army.And I think Greece do it. Most probably Iran, Albania, Serbs spend much too. Well It is something related with your position in world.
We have not much good neighbor. west to east. bad to worst.(This worst one is USA)
suetoniuspaulinus wrote:Mr Achilles
The GC's bullied the TC's from 58 to 74
Our bigger brother then bullied the GC's in 74.
Then you started to cry and then your big brother then started bullying us through UN.
Then UN said "Enough Bullying" nad you PRETENDED to stop.
We are sorry you said and we will help our brothers throw off the yoke of Turkish Opression and we will help Economically and in every other way.
But you have continued to do so.
So do not be too surprised when the Really Big Boys ( and I don't mean the Norf Lundeners)
get a bit miffed with you and clout you round the earhole
Kifeas wrote:suetoniuspaulinus wrote: Mr Kifeas
Thank you for pointing out this essential fact
I'm truly sorry that you couldn't get the gist of my response to Mr Achilles.
Is it the whole response you couldn't quite make out or are there special bits that you would like me to clarify.
Okay my friend; since it was addressed to Achilles, then it is not important for me to understand it.
My apologies for the nuisance!
achilles wrote:suetoniuspaulinus wrote:Mr Achilles
The GC's bullied the TC's from 58 to 74
Our bigger brother then bullied the GC's in 74.
Then you started to cry and then your big brother then started bullying us through UN.
Then UN said "Enough Bullying" nad you PRETENDED to stop.
We are sorry you said and we will help our brothers throw off the yoke of Turkish Opression and we will help Economically and in every other way.
But you have continued to do so.
So do not be too surprised when the Really Big Boys ( and I don't mean the Norf Lundeners)
get a bit miffed with you and clout you round the earhole
It would be best if you clarified this post.
Kifeas wrote:They couldn't do so for 30 years because Turkey and the occupation regime had sealed the occupation "boarder" and they didn't allow even a dog to cross either direction.
Kifeas wrote:
This is the excuse that the Turkish Generals are feeding you with, so that they make you accept their huge spending on armaments. They just want to hold to power and the only method to achieve this is to buy weapons from the Americans so that the Turkish Army will serve their interests in the region better. In this way, the Kemalist Generals maintain their privileged treatment intact.
Kifeas wrote:The worst enemy is the USA, this is correct, but it is also the country from which you get all your loans and all your armaments. Isn’t it strange
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