Garbitsch wrote: It is obviously that Ottomans had a higher standard of Civilisation than Byzantium because of the time period.
How is that obvious??? On the contrary there is no evidence that it was so, and there is a lot of evidence that they took whatever civilisation the got from Byzantium backwards.
wrote: If your father is Ottoman but your mother is Greek, this does not make you Ottoman or Greek but both. So you are saying that my ancestors are not Ottomans because they didnt bring wifes. I didn't get the logic. I am also not offended what TMT and Turkey did to Greek Cypriots and I also feel sorry for them. But isn't it time to stop this systematic blame of each other and look for the future? I mean what will you get by disgracing Ottoman empire?
Look, here we just discuss.The issues are generally hot and almost everything is either against you or against us. If you look back you will see that you sarcastically called yourself mongolian,barbaric Ottoman and many other words I don't remember by heart. And I simply told you to "think" why the Greeks and the GCs feel like that. Since you could not provide the answers to yourself, others and me provided some answers.Why should you be offended? Others said the empire of Alexander the Great was also built on blood, I was not offended AT ALL, just got curious and I wanted some information substantiating this.Nobody provided any, so I can only complain that I got out of it learning nothing. One of the reasons I participate is to learn things I don't know...
wrote: Why does only Greeks claim that there was a Pontian genocide? We celebrate 19 May because this was the start of the national resistance against the invadors.
See how many things they are hiding from you? The reality is that when Ataturk took over, the first thing he did-as they teach you in your history books- was to secure the country from it's enemies or the "invadors" if you prefer this term. So you celebrate this 19th of May. What they don't tell you is what exactly did he do, who were those enemies and those "invadors"? The truth is that the first ones he eradicated allright were the Pontian Greeks, and their total number of dead was about 350,000. You may think that I am passionate about my nation and I hate the Turks, the truth is I don't have the slightest feeling about this matter....
wrote: Nai katalavenw. Ok I admit, that was something I didnt intend to say. You well know when people are pissed off they say things they don't want to. You did it many times. Remember you called me Garbage?
It seems you did not notice my quarrels against others, even against GCs.
Some people in here participate to create friendships.Some others for the fun.Some to disgrace others. I am in the "fighting team" like Piratis, Kifeas, Mikkie and others therefore it is difficult for me to look friendly...
wrote: They do teach you nice and glorious things too... They never teach you what Greeks did to Turks during the invasion of Turkey! Come on Mic, admit that your last argument is biased.
Well, if you check my reply to Erol, you will see that I had no difficulty admitting that already. You are right they do not teach us anything neither for the 60s nor for 1974 that has to do with your side. In fact they hide almost everything from us. But if you think I am participating here without having learned by myself you are mistaken.I did search and learn myself and I did compare what happened to your people in 1974 with what happened to ours. And I am sorry to tell you that what you suffered in 1974 was nothing compared to what the GCs suffered. Similarly I learned of most of the sufferings of the TCs in the 60s through various sources, and if I compare the 2 sufferings I really cannot tell who expressed more barbarosity, the GCs with the Greeks, or the TCs with the Turks? "Caresiz!"