garbitsch wrote:What I am trying to say, Murtaza obviously does not know much about Greek history - sorry Murtaza but ancient Macedonia and Troia were all Greek states - but you overgeneralise this to whole Turkish education system.
Thank you very much for pointing out the OBVIOUS, honestly. Some people tend to look at the tip of the finger and not where the fingers points at. Yes i overgeneralize because i am firmly convinced that they are hiding major historical facts from you, like the Minor Asia holocaust, which includes, at least, the Armenian and Pontian Genocides.
Likewise, you do not have much about OTtoman history and you believe the Turks only commit genocides but nothing else.
I have discussed this with erolz quite extensively. Thats not what i am saying, and do not count my sarcastic posts when you draw conclusions about what i meant. In any case, the Turkish genocides remain undisputable historical facts, even though Turkey has a well lubricated multi million dollar denial machine. I bet that in a few decades down the line you will admit your past.
Besides supporting inferiority of a nation to another is racistic approach. Discriminating peoples in terms of race, ethnic background and religion all means racism. But it's fine if you keep tricking yourself by saying "oh I am not racist but I support inferiority of Turkish nation to Greek nation". This is a very pathetic statement and deserves ZERO respect. If you haven't said that and if you dare to talk about Murtaza by not generalizing his attitude towards whole Turkish society, we would have discussed the Greek history and Turkish history together. We would have enlighetned eachother by doing so.
Again, i have explained that 'cultural superiority' in terms of cultural contribution to the rest of the world is one thing, and 'racial superiority' is another. Please, dont try to make it look otherwise. What people acheive is not only up to them but also up to a vast amount of exogenous parameters. The Greeks had a very advanced civilization for climatic, geographic, geological and topological reasons and not because they came from outter space as some hilarious people tend to claim. Their initial endowment of conditions were quite different as compared to the ancestors of other civilizations. How much more can i break it down? I strongly believe that all people are 'tabula rasa' and have the same potential at birth. Yet, probabilistic as well other factors largely determine their degree of acheivement. Now please spare me the racist part cause thats not what i am talking about.
.For your accusing of all Turkish members in this forum with ignorance, then I think you are far more ignorant than everyone else in this forum
Didnt i say SOME TUrkish members? What is this with you people? Is it your reading comprehension or am i not getting the message through?
ANd of course this latest claim of yours is moronic at best, professor.
I, myself had studied ancient Greek history, read many writings by Greek philosophers, at the same time I have studied Ottoman history from the professors who had even taught in respectful universities such as Harvard, UCLA and Princeton. Again, without knowing each person seperately, you overgeneralise them and this makes you the most biased person vis-a-vis the other forum users
You just managed to contradict yourself twice:
think you are far more ignorant than everyone else in this forum
this makes you the most biased person vis-a-vis the other forum users
You preach on objectivity and 'generalization' yet your aphoristic statements proove how little you know about what you THINK you are lecturing me on.
Nonetheless, it was interesting to see how your argument switched from 'neo-nazi' to 'ignorant' and 'biased'. Thats definitely a progress.