If you can convince me that the Ottomans had a higher standard of Civilisation than the Byzantium go ahead.
Every empire had its peak times and the stagnant and eventually disentegration times. I am not going convince you which was more civilised than the other. Both empires had achieved a lot and both empires had collapsed in the end. The time periods of the existence of both empires were different so it will be ridiculous to compare the "standard of Civilisation" of both. Ottoman empire ended in early 20th century, whereas Byzantium ended in 15th! It is obviously that Ottomans had a higher standard of Civilisation than Byzantium because of the time period. But if you compare the Seljuk Turks or other Turkish sultanates at the time of Byzantium, the latter was far more civilised than the former. I hope you got my point here.
You shouldn’t be offended.For two reasons a)Because you are no more their decentands than you are decendents of the local population.Did the Ottomans bring their wives with them? b) for the same reason I am not offended for the attrocities against the TCs in the 60s. I just accept what my ancestors did and feel sorry.
What matters for me is to understand why todays people of the other side feel the way they do. And by the way this was my initial point in response of your own sarcastic argument that the Ottomans were barbaric, etc May I remind you that I told you to think of the reasons why the GCs feel like that?
If your father is Ottoman but your mother is Greek, this does not make you Ottoman or Greek but both. So you are saying that my ancestors are not Ottomans because they didnt bring wifes. I didn't get the logic. I am also not offended what TMT and Turkey did to Greek Cypriots and I also feel sorry for them. But isn't it time to stop this systematic blame of each other and look for the future? I mean what will you get by disgracing Ottoman empire?
I think as I said before the Greeks believe in that way because they are taught to do so. They believe Turks are their enemies so everything "the other" does must be barbaric and inhumane.
Look if you prefer to divert the discussion to jokes, do it by yourself.Tell me what are you celebrating today 19 May? 300,000 Pontians is a genocide for me what is it for you? And the pontians were not living in Brazil by the way, they were living at the areas where your father of Turks first arranged to secure the country from it's "enemies" to bring peace in the country piss in the world.
Why does only Greeks claim that there was a Pontian genocide? We celebrate 19 May because this was the start of the national resistance against the invadors. Remember the Turkish lands were occupied by British, French, Italian, Armenian, Greek, Russian nations!! What did you expect? To subordinate them and accept Serves? I am quite sure that Turks did murdered Pontians, but the Turks were slaughtered at the other parts of the country and nobody damn cares about the loss of Turks as if it was a right thing to murder Turks but if Turks kill, it must be a genocide...
I expect nothing! I fear no-one.... Sounds familiar to you? I am not expecting you to beleive in my sincerity-I don't even need or want that. Katalaves?
Nai katalavenw. Ok I admit, that was something I didnt intend to say. You well know when people are pissed off they say things they don't want to. You did it many times. Remember you called me Garbage?
That's what they teach them Kifeas.The nice and glorious things. The best they can say is that the Ottomans were not Angels. Ask them for an example of how they were not angels nobody knows!!
And they teach you how you were the center of the world, the cradle of advanced civilisation, and how your civilised democratic empire was destroyed by the mongolians from asia, who can create nothing apart from destroying. They do teach you nice and glorious things too... They never teach you what Greeks did to Turks during the invasion of Turkey! Come on Mic, admit that your last argument is biased.