Johnson&Johnson wrote:Look,
As I have said on other posts, I do not dislike all British. MANY of them are decent, mature and educated. But a lot of them I find unpleasant chavvy types with no culture or manners (to avoid any discussion or debate I will concede that all the British posters on this forum fall into the first category, OK ???)
Now why am i making an issue out of this ? Well, I escaped England to my little island in the Med to get away from the chavs, and I am getting increasingly pissed off that they decide to follow me here and turn my island paradise into chav hell.
And on top of it, these chavvy types (again, not you guys on here, your'e alright) have the bloody nerve to slate me and my race every time something happens which they don't like.
There's no bloody escape anymore.
For example, the other day I stopped at an English-owned café for a bite. On the table next to us were some overweight sunburned people with funny northern-type accents, whinging and moaning to the proprietors about the Cypriots and how stupid, backward, inbred etc etc we were. Proprietors were of course sympathizing, then more customers joined in, turning it into a major pom whingfest.
Needless to say I gave them a piece of my mind. They stared at me like I was an alien from outer space. It was sort of like 'How dare the Cypriots even challenge us ! We are British !' they seem to carry around this colonial attitude like they are 'among the natives' and the natives have to pander to them and put up with their shit.
This is CYPRUS, not ENGLAND file mou. If you wanted to live in a place that is exactly like ENGLAND then you should not come here at all - stay home ! Yes we are not perfect, but I am sick of being told that by people even less perfect than me.
And what is all this nonsense about what the British 'bring' to Cyprus ? Just because they buy a house and set up a small window cleaning or bricklaying firm ('All work done to British standards' - as if that is something to be proud of), we are supposed to pander to them ? They are IMMIGRANTS, just like we were in the UK years ago, and they should keep their heads down, work hard and integrate like we had to. We didn't moan in public about how terrible the English were when we were in the UK - you couldn't do that - the skinheads / NF would kick your head in !
Rant/ dig over, tear into me at will.
RichardB wrote:J&J
re your comments
Can I just say that what you have written is spot on
I too have been out with my wife ( a Cypriot) and have also had
to put up with mindless morons like you describe in your post.
I dont think anyone on this forum can accuse you of being racist
You have told (unfortunately) the spot on truth
Z4 wrote:Johnson&Johnson wrote:Look,
As I have said on other posts, I do not dislike all British. MANY of them are decent, mature and educated. But a lot of them I find unpleasant chavvy types with no culture or manners (to avoid any discussion or debate I will concede that all the British posters on this forum fall into the first category, OK ???)
Now why am i making an issue out of this ? Well, I escaped England to my little island in the Med to get away from the chavs, and I am getting increasingly pissed off that they decide to follow me here and turn my island paradise into chav hell.
And on top of it, these chavvy types (again, not you guys on here, your'e alright) have the bloody nerve to slate me and my race every time something happens which they don't like.
There's no bloody escape anymore.
For example, the other day I stopped at an English-owned café for a bite. On the table next to us were some overweight sunburned people with funny northern-type accents, whinging and moaning to the proprietors about the Cypriots and how stupid, backward, inbred etc etc we were. Proprietors were of course sympathizing, then more customers joined in, turning it into a major pom whingfest.
Needless to say I gave them a piece of my mind. They stared at me like I was an alien from outer space. It was sort of like 'How dare the Cypriots even challenge us ! We are British !' they seem to carry around this colonial attitude like they are 'among the natives' and the natives have to pander to them and put up with their shit.
This is CYPRUS, not ENGLAND file mou. If you wanted to live in a place that is exactly like ENGLAND then you should not come here at all - stay home ! Yes we are not perfect, but I am sick of being told that by people even less perfect than me.
And what is all this nonsense about what the British 'bring' to Cyprus ? Just because they buy a house and set up a small window cleaning or bricklaying firm ('All work done to British standards' - as if that is something to be proud of), we are supposed to pander to them ? They are IMMIGRANTS, just like we were in the UK years ago, and they should keep their heads down, work hard and integrate like we had to. We didn't moan in public about how terrible the English were when we were in the UK - you couldn't do that - the skinheads / NF would kick your head in !
Rant/ dig over, tear into me at will.
J&J, we have been here before haven't we.
You do speak sense and at the same time slag us Brits off. Did you see my tread regarding the Israli's in Ayia Napa?
This topic is about drunken teenagers so why are you going off on one and talking about Brits cleaning windows/laying bricks, why?
You never see Brits slag off Cypriots here do you?
BOF wrote:Z4 wrote:Johnson&Johnson wrote:Look,
As I have said on other posts, I do not dislike all British. MANY of them are decent, mature and educated. But a lot of them I find unpleasant chavvy types with no culture or manners (to avoid any discussion or debate I will concede that all the British posters on this forum fall into the first category, OK ???)
Now why am i making an issue out of this ? Well, I escaped England to my little island in the Med to get away from the chavs, and I am getting increasingly pissed off that they decide to follow me here and turn my island paradise into chav hell.
And on top of it, these chavvy types (again, not you guys on here, your'e alright) have the bloody nerve to slate me and my race every time something happens which they don't like.
There's no bloody escape anymore.
For example, the other day I stopped at an English-owned café for a bite. On the table next to us were some overweight sunburned people with funny northern-type accents, whinging and moaning to the proprietors about the Cypriots and how stupid, backward, inbred etc etc we were. Proprietors were of course sympathizing, then more customers joined in, turning it into a major pom whingfest.
Needless to say I gave them a piece of my mind. They stared at me like I was an alien from outer space. It was sort of like 'How dare the Cypriots even challenge us ! We are British !' they seem to carry around this colonial attitude like they are 'among the natives' and the natives have to pander to them and put up with their shit.
This is CYPRUS, not ENGLAND file mou. If you wanted to live in a place that is exactly like ENGLAND then you should not come here at all - stay home ! Yes we are not perfect, but I am sick of being told that by people even less perfect than me.
And what is all this nonsense about what the British 'bring' to Cyprus ? Just because they buy a house and set up a small window cleaning or bricklaying firm ('All work done to British standards' - as if that is something to be proud of), we are supposed to pander to them ? They are IMMIGRANTS, just like we were in the UK years ago, and they should keep their heads down, work hard and integrate like we had to. We didn't moan in public about how terrible the English were when we were in the UK - you couldn't do that - the skinheads / NF would kick your head in !
Rant/ dig over, tear into me at will.
J&J, we have been here before haven't we.
You do speak sense and at the same time slag us Brits off. Did you see my tread regarding the Israli's in Ayia Napa?
This topic is about drunken teenagers so why are you going off on one and talking about Brits cleaning windows/laying bricks, why?
You never see Brits slag off Cypriots here do you?
J & J no one is going to tear into you because you raise valid points which we mostly agree with.. but Z4 does have a valid point..what is the fiixation with the British on this forum in general? by all means throw sh*t at the british and criticise them, many British will agree with you and your right to freedom of speech on whatever you wish to say. you can even go to speakers corner in Hyde Park and discuss it there (unless some enlightened pillock has deemed it non PC) ...but i would like to see other topics on here discussed whch although they impact on every single cypriot in the south dont get mentioned...
How about a thread on the continuing water debacle and peoples thoughts? has there been a conspiracy to mis inform the public?
and , Cypriots have great family values which we all applaud, but community spirit or im all right jack? discuss.
The rights and wrongs of National service for cypriots, pros and cons.
Is there freedom of the press in cyprus?
define whinging from constructive criticism.. the cypriot perspective...
Or right off the wall, should the arab states apologise for their part in the African slave trade which preceeded white settlers by several hundred years?
How refreshing it would be for some cypriot to start that kind of discussion.
or is it simply east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet??
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