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What's Wrong With The British ?

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Postby BOF » Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:55 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Niki mou

I think you are missing the point a little here. Obviously there are the nicer things of life in the UK, the problem is that the behavior exhibited by the lager louts is not rare or unusual. Is binge drinking more popular than enjoying fine wine in the UK? Well, just look around and count how many businesses make a living out of binge drinkers and compare it to how many deal with connoisseurs.

All over the Mediterranean, licensing laws are loose or totally absent, you can drink at any time, but the local culture does not tolerate public drunkenness. In the UK I recall, being publically drunk earned you a badge of merit. It is this general climate of tolerance for the loutish and the violent that mystifies people hence the question by the police officer above: "what is wrong with the British?"

The problem has gone far enough here in Greece for locals to avoid going on holiday in spots popular with the British. In fact many travel agencies will entice you to a spot by mentioning that there are no British people there.

Does not anyone in Britain teach kids how to live well?

Agia Napa has started trying to get rid of British louts and reinvent itself as a family resort.

I heard that they conducted a survey which concluded that, taking into account the cost of damage caused, extra policing, treating wounded thugs in the hospital (apparently an amazing number of stomach pumping operations were being conducted) etc., British hooligans were actually costing the town more than they spent there!

Well thats very strange ?? just this week i read that jewish kids are coming to Cyprus (Napa) before they do their national service at home and doing exactly what you accuse the the british race as a whole of doing, ie: binge drinking, smashing up their rooms, ripping cupboard doors off and fighting..
Two years ago I stayed in Limmasol and it was scandinavian kids throwing things off balconies, binge drinking and abusing people in the streets... the problem is becoming endemic across Europe and i dont condone it in ANY country. probably not reported in cypriot papers though.
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Postby purdey » Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:20 pm

Ayia Napa and Ibiza not only marketed themselves as a clubbers paradise, but also as a destination where anything goes.
Alot of people have made serious money ingnoring the troublesome element and encouraging them to be more adventurous in causing mahem.
I don't understand the term 'underclass' what is this, maybe someone can advise.
As for trouble with other nationalities, I believe the Ajax hotel in Limassol had trouble with Israeli students, not only wrecking rooms but throwing bottles from balconies, not newsworthy though.
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Postby Magnus » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:02 pm

purdey wrote:Ayia Napa and Ibiza not only marketed themselves as a clubbers paradise, but also as a destination where anything goes.
Alot of people have made serious money ingnoring the troublesome element and encouraging them to be more adventurous in causing mahem.
I don't understand the term 'underclass' what is this, maybe someone can advise.
As for trouble with other nationalities, I believe the Ajax hotel in Limassol had trouble with Israeli students, not only wrecking rooms but throwing bottles from balconies, not newsworthy though.

The modern underclass is a term for the section of society that is almost entirely dependant on the state for their welfare and in essence contributes nothing positive to society. These people do the bare minimum of work (if any at all) and have absolutely no sense of social responsibility or morality beyond their immediate needs and desires.

All they care about is their own gratification, so it basically comes down to drinking, shagging, drugs and partying, regardless of how it may affect other individuals or society as a whole.

As a rough guide, the modern underclass is primarily formed of dole scroungers and petty criminals. While the term has historically been linked to poverty, the modern underclass is not poor. In fact, in relation to their own efforts of work they are actually rather well off. To make it perfectly clear, they are not the people incapable of work, they are the people that don't want to work because they live in a state that they can manipulate into giving them all they need.
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Postby Z4 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:11 pm

purdey wrote:Ayia Napa and Ibiza not only marketed themselves as a clubbers paradise, but also as a destination where anything goes.
Alot of people have made serious money ingnoring the troublesome element and encouraging them to be more adventurous in causing mahem.
I don't understand the term 'underclass' what is this, maybe someone can advise.
As for trouble with other nationalities, I believe the Ajax hotel in Limassol had trouble with Israeli students, not only wrecking rooms but throwing bottles from balconies, not newsworthy though.

Perhaps we should edit the title of this topic - What's Wrong With Drunken People?
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Postby purdey » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:31 pm

Thank you Magnus.
Yes Simon, you are probably right, most problems with peoples behaviour tend to be alcohol related.
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Postby Z4 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:08 pm

Well Johnson&Johnson is a racist towards the Brits.

My problem with alcohol is it sends me to sleep, which is embarrasing especially when at friends house!
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:13 pm

Z4 wrote:Well Johnson&Johnson is a racist towards the Brits.

My problem with alcohol is it sends me to sleep, which is embarrasing especially when at friends house!

Z4 .... he merely asked a question "What's wrong with the British?"

How is that racist?

The British are not a race ... they span Indians, Cypriots, Sri Lankans, Welsh, Jamaicans, Scots, English, Maltese ....
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Postby Z4 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:24 pm

Oracle wrote:
Z4 wrote:Well Johnson&Johnson is a racist towards the Brits.

My problem with alcohol is it sends me to sleep, which is embarrasing especially when at friends house!

Z4 .... he merely asked a question "What's wrong with the British?"

How is that racist?

The British are not a race ... they span Indians, Cypriots, Sri Lankans, Welsh, Jamaicans, Scots, English, Maltese ....

J&J is a racist....please go back and see some of his other posts. He seems to slate the Brits at every opportunity.
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Postby BOF » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:25 pm

Johnson&Johnson wrote:English... obsessed with beer, dogs and bad food

have a look over on cyprus living for proof of this

and they have the bloody nerve to criticize us Cypriots on every other post

I think this is the post referred to as racist, not the original statement.
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Postby Z4 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:25 pm

Quote from J&J

English... obsessed with beer, dogs and bad food

have a look over on cyprus living for proof of this

and they have the bloody nerve to criticize us Cypriots on every other post
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