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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:51 pm

Feisty wrote:Yes they think it's ok. I have heard it from their very mouths that they can't wait to be able to get out on the streets again to go 'on the rob' as they term it. They seem to think that businesses can claim on insurance for shoplifting which is totally untrue.
Whether they are desperate or not, their crime sprees and the consequences on other people should not go unpunished. I'm not particularly of the opinion that the prison system works but then again I certainly don't think the softly softly approach is any better.

well, hear this from my mouth fiesty. i used to do drugs. and i never once stole anything or mugged anyone for a "fix." ok, i wasn't on hardcore heroine, but i was a major pot-head--used to smoke as soon as i woke up, on lunch break, after work,.... in my younger years i experiemented with all kinds of heavier drugs: uppers, downers, acid and mesc.... all of these drugs whom i got through friends, whom also BTW, never mugged anyone or stole to get the money for the high.
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Postby purdey » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:53 pm

You and your friends must be in the minority GG.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:58 pm

purdey wrote:I have no time for these people. I feel no compassion, and I deplore the British publics patience with them. Yet again we have Amy Winehouse using tax payers money to get her to hospital, here is a woman who has abused her body for years and expects some sympathy for the way she behaves, sorry she is a bloody disgrace..

alcoholism is a disease. and there are plenty of rehab places for that which the state pays for (the taxpayers). if you want to take that away from them, or the people that WANT to go into drug rehab, then you better take away all the state help (paid throuigh taxpayers) that pay for treatments of lung disease caused by smokers (and non smokers.) take away the free healthcare for people with no insurance at all, for any reason, because they should have prevented thier helath issue.
oh this is a ridiculous discussion. there are plenty of famous people that have gone thru rehabs and been successful at it, cna you imagine how many un-famous people benfited by programs paid for by the taxpayers? i knew a girl once, hooked on herion.... had a baby out of wedlock, a product of giving sex away for a fix (didn't steal or mug anyone Fiesty)--the state took her baby. that was her way of hitting rock bottom. she sobered up, lead a good life, got married, and had a couple of children and a white picket fence at all. YOU HAVE TO WANT TO GET BETTER TO GET BETTER, and this is so with any disease. just look at who survives cancer because of the attitude they have to beat the disease.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:01 pm

purdey wrote:You and your friends must be in the minority GG.

not at all. the media only portrays the bad stories. there are ALOT more drug abusers out there than you can ever imagine.
shoot, i worked for a group of dentists once that all had cocaine problems. they didn't mug or steal to get the coke that went up their noses. and no one knew they were coke-heads.
i have a friend whose husband is a recovering coke addict, same story.
most of the people in rehabs aren't there becuase they were committing crimes.
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Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:01 pm


Alcoholics and smokers pay a fortune in taxes, drug users don't!
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Postby purdey » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:05 pm

Why is it ridiculous GG.
We all have choices, there are those out there who want to abuse their bodies, through drugs, alcohol, smoking. The warnings are out there but they take little or no notice of them, but the taxpayer is there to bail them out, so they continue.
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Postby Feisty » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:05 pm

I understand what you are saying GG and I don't totally disagree, although you do exclude heroine from your tales and that is the one that the major crime committers use but...........

we live in a society where there is not an unlimited supply of money. I'd much rather the money spent on these people being spent ofn people who have been good contributors to society, like the guy in our news the other day who has been refused a cancer drug because it is too expensive. His comment was not that he was worried for himself but for his elderly wife who suffered with dementia who he cared for. He was worried about what will happen to her when he has gone. I'm sure any tax payer would prefer their hard earned money go to him than it would a self abuser, of drugs or alcohol.
Last edited by Feisty on Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:06 pm

CBBB wrote:GG,

Alcoholics and smokers pay a fortune in taxes, drug users don't!

which is also supplimented by every tax paying person.

and here is a reason why certain drugs should be leagalizrd---and taxed.... such as marijuana
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Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:11 pm

I think it would be very difficult for me to have Government provided healthcare costing anywhere near as much as I have paid in taxes for booze and fags (the English ones).
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:12 pm

Feisty wrote:I understand what you are saying GG and I don't totally disagree, although you do exclude heroine from your tales and that is the one that the major crime committers use but...........

we live in a society where there is not an unlimited supply of money. I'd much rather the money spent on these people being spent ofn people who have been good contributors to society, like the guy in our news the other day who has been refused a cancer drug because it is too expensive. His comment was not that he was worried for himself but for his elderly wife who suffered with dementia who he cared for. He was worried about what will happen to her when he has gone. I'm sure any tax payer would prefer their hard earned money go to him than it would a self abuser, of drugs or alcohol.

i have never done heroine, but i did write about a friend of mine who did, and kicked the habit (with the help of rehab) and got clean.
if you are not going to help someone get healthy when they ask for help, regardless of thier affordability to pay, then it becomes a really sad state of the world indeed.
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