Feisty wrote:Sorry I cannot agree with you there.
No human life should be valued above any other.
.... so why did you suggest letting the parents loose on Brady and Hindley?
Oracle wrote:Feisty wrote:Sorry I cannot agree with you there.
No human life should be valued above any other.
.... so why did you suggest letting the parents loose on Brady and Hindley?
Novus wrote:Because no matter how good a court system is, none will ever be perfect and eventually an innocent person will be executed. When an innocent person is executed, it is murder.....murder by the state.
Oracle wrote:Clearly it is either not operating as an effective deterrent or as I suspect it is an abused form of punishment.
Iran had over 300 executions in 2007 ... that is more than China and certainly more than the USA.
I don't know how many of those 30 are for illegal relationships, but it could even be as many as 28 (the article does not say).
Even hoping they had a trial does not make it easier to accept. Can you imagine the sort of trial a woman accused of adultery would receive?
Novus wrote:Because no matter how good a court system is, none will ever be perfect and eventually an innocent person will be executed. When an innocent person is executed, it is murder.....murder by the state.
Magnus wrote: Why should he be allowed to continue living the rest of his pathetic life in jail at the public's expense?
Oracle wrote:Magnus wrote: Why should he be allowed to continue living the rest of his pathetic life in jail at the public's expense?
Because he is the stuff that psychiatrists and neuroscientists dream of.
He would be invaluable to them for study and observations .... they just have to stop him committing suicide and wasting all that potential for discovery and medical publications ...
Magnus wrote:
This is obviously a valid point, but there are cases where the evidence is truly airtight, like the one that I mentioned invloving the Austrian guy. Not only do they have the testimony of the daughter and the children, they've got DNA tests to prove he fathered the kids and the guy has not shown any remorse. He's even bragged about it.
In these cases, where there is absolute incontrovertible evidence and maybe even a confession to the crimes that proves they are guilty, why not hang them?
Self defense is not murder and the cause for war is claimed to be defense of nation. If the cause is not just, then the war is illegal and the deaths are murder, but if it is legal, then the deaths are killing, not murder.Besides, states commit murder all the time. Nobody goes to war expecting it to be bloodless.
Collateral deths in war is homicide or manslaughter, not murder if it was unintentional.How can we justify killing other people, especially the 'collateral deaths' of innocent bystanders
Our governments represent us all and our society which is why I am against the death penalty other than for high treason and being reserved for the military. To allow our government to murder an innocent person wrongfully convicted makes us complicit in the crime.but let off the proven worst elements in our own societies?
One can argue that is "democide", but it is really an act in defense of the people and legitimate "self-defense" is not murder, nor manslaughter.We even (quite rightly) give our police officers the means, training and right to take down people that are an immediate threat. Isn't that death by the state in some way?
I understand your sentiment, but the risk of murdering an innocent person in the name of the state which is murdering in the names of the people is too much to risk.I'm not saying we should hang anyone and everyone, just those that are proven threats to society and not safe to release or worth incarcerating for the rest of their natural lives.
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