ttoli wrote:Oracle wrote:ttoli wrote:CBBB wrote:Not really.
There are a couple of people on here that try to give unbiased views of the situation, but a 100% factual source you can't find or if there is one you won't know!
Thanks, so I take a bit of both and make my mind up?
You are entitled to your own opinions ..... but you are not entitled to your own facts ...
So you admit you bought a GC-owned property?...... and you now consider yourself as the "owner"? ......
Where have I admitted anything of the sort, Love?
I was just asking ... don't get defensive .... remember you are a Libran
Are you denying the house you "own" in the "trnc" is a GC-owned property? ... we are all friends here

..... we can help you come to terms with it if you did, and perhaps help you do the right thing and not lose out financially ....
That is if you want to be a proper Libran that is principled and
just and can see both sides .....