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Estate agents & paperwork

Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:12 am

I am just starting to make so moves with estate agents and i have been requested to provide copies of passport title deeds and utility bills is this normal ? I am a little worried about committing myself to a sole agent and identity theft surely paperwork is handled through my solicitor ? Thanks in advance for any relevant advice

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Postby Svetlana » Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:58 pm

Hi Chedda

i) Passport - definitely a no-no.
ii) Title Deeds - they may want evidence you hold them, otherwise I see no reason why they would want them.
iii) Utility bills - why? The amount of electricity you use will not be the same as your purchaser; if it is an apartment then I can see why they want information on Common Services charges, but that is all.

My advice is ask why they want these documents. If you do not want sole agency, then do not sign a contract for one; in the current Property Market I do not believe sole agency is a good idea.

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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:19 pm

Having recently sold in the UK, we were asked to provide copies of our passports and utility bills to the Estate Agent acting for us.

These are EU anti-fraud measures and common practice.

The Utility bills were further proof of address and not for consumption comparisons.

We did not however have Title Deeds as these were with the Mortgage Company. I imagine if you have them, you would need some way to prove that, and a copy should suffice.

The sole Agency / Multiple Agency is a matter for personal discretion depending on how urgent is your need.
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thanks for replies

Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:15 pm

Thankyou for your replies i guessed it was some sort of anti fraud thing but none the less i prefer it if my solicitor handled legal matters. I will heavily scrutinise the agent tomorrow when he visits and will not sign any contracts. After all with their exorbitant commission the emphasis is on him selling me his company and skills. I am by no means desperate or looking for a quick sale just starting to get the ball rolling. The title deeds are another point of contention as i expect you are all aware of. I have lived here for over 2 years now and the titles were available before the sale so it was a simple transfer for the government and they could collect the stamp duty. Oh no not so easy. I believe the council of ministers meet every 3 months so the waiting list can only get longer. I was wondering if i should apply for help from the European union in this matter as i'm sure a letter direct from Maastricht would get things moving ?
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Re: thanks for replies

Postby pantheman » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:34 pm

chedda wrote:
The title deeds are another point of contention as i expect you are all aware of. I have lived here for over 2 years now and the titles were available before the sale so it was a simple transfer for the government and they could collect the stamp duty. Oh no not so easy.I believe the council of ministers meet every 3 months so the waiting list can only get longer.

I don't understand this, if the titles were ready it should have been a simple case of transferring them to you. Are you an EU citizen?? I don't see why the council of ministers is a problem. If that were the case no properties would be sold. Are you sure you got your facts right?

I was wondering if i should apply for help from the European union in this matter as i'm sure a letter direct from Maastricht would get things moving ?

Now you are taking the piss, yeah go on do it, I bet they won't even aknowledge your letter. Are you for real? Why does everyone jump on this EU bandwagon, as if they give a hoot about your case. jesus!
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Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:56 pm

I am a European citizen however my wife is not and i believe this is causing the hold up we put the house in both our names to help the tax situation with hindsight perhaps this was a mistake.
I have heard the EU is snowed under with petitions from Cyprus and it is their most busy area. Yes i am for real the goverment and my MP works for ME not for himself he has a responsibility and a PR team. All my previous letters were answered and responded to. Perhaps i am a little naive but i think there is a chance. Perhaps your knowledge of the EU holds some resentment Pantheman ? Although i do agree that Cyprus is not high on their agenda mainly because Cyprus has trouble retaining or earning any respect internationally. However there are MP's specifically assigned to Cyprus who are obliged to react & respond under their contract.
However my original post was never intended to be a political one and i am am not interested in politics and have never voted. I just assumed under law and regulations that my EU citizenship supported my wife in this situation.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:48 pm

chedda .... it seems you have a hidden agenda and I feel duped.

Shame on you.

As for your deeds .... I suggest you follow through the correct procedures. Maybe your wish to avoid Tax may have caused you problems; it's not a road that I go down so can't advise you except, be honest.

My deeds took two weeks to be prepared, as a British citizen, and whilst I was living in the UK. No sweat!

IMO if you talk to people honestly, and do not go around with an "attitude" it helps everyone to do their job effectively and happily.

If you look for trouble you will find it.

I remain open, friendly and communicative with people both in the UK and in Cyprus and all treat me with respect, and my jobs get done without fuss, bother, trouble or strife.

I believe it is in your hands; and people will treat you as you treat them. Conduct yourself accordingly.
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Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:03 pm

I apologise if you feel duped Oracle my original post was not intended to have a hidden agenda but as you can tell i do have some frustration. Many thanks for your informative replies i believe i will resubmit the application for deeds solely in my name to speed matters up perhaps my original research was flawed in this case. Please excuse my previous rant. Your statement of 2 weeks looks highly interesting the submission obviously takes a completely different path. My main rant was aimed at the taking the piss comment from Pan i mean i thought the EU was there to help the citizens i do realise this is naive and idealistic view. Your advice would be to politely wait i understand but without a timeline i believe even you would consider alternative methods. Anyway i don't believe selling your house without title deeds is a big problem or is it ?
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Re: Mkay

Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:21 pm

chedda wrote:I apologise if you feel duped Oracle my original post was not intended to have a hidden agenda but as you can tell i do have some frustration. Many thanks for your informative replies i believe i will resubmit the application for deeds solely in my name to speed matters up perhaps my original research was flawed in this case. Please excuse my previous rant. Your statement of 2 weeks looks highly interesting the submission obviously takes a completely different path. My main rant was aimed at the taking the piss comment from Pan i mean i thought the EU was there to help the citizens i do realise this is naive and idealistic view. Your advice would be to politely wait i understand but without a timeline i believe even you would consider alternative methods. Anyway i don't believe selling your house without title deeds is a big problem or is it ?

chedda .... thanks for taking the time to explain. No hard feelings :D

Are you able to go to the Land Registry?

Personal appearances and constantly asking "What do I do next?" ( sweetly :roll: ) to anyone passing by ... does wonders.
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okay cool

Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:27 pm

I have been to the land registry they tell me everything is in order and a block is in place stopping anyone else from buying the house or selling it. However they say their hands are tied waiting for a response from the council of ministers. I think that you have guessed that i am British and i am reasonably polite and educated. The title deed thing is important to me although Cypriuts have told me it is not so important i just believe i will be eliminating any shrewd Uk buyers from my future market. Again i ask can i sell a house without title deeds being in my name if anyone else is reading this thread ? I would just understandably like to do things the correct way.
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