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Re: okay cool

Postby pantheman » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:21 pm

chedda wrote:I have been to the land registry they tell me everything is in order and a block is in place stopping anyone else from buying the house or selling it. However they say their hands are tied waiting for a response from the council of ministers. I think that you have guessed that i am British and i am reasonably polite and educated. The title deed thing is important to me although Cypriuts have told me it is not so important i just believe i will be eliminating any shrewd Uk buyers from my future market. Again i ask can i sell a house without title deeds being in my name if anyone else is reading this thread ? I would just understandably like to do things the correct way.


Just for the record, firstly you deliberately ommitted you national status (especially that of your wifes). You made out you were just waiting 2 years with no hope. If you had explained that you may have had a different response.

Regarding the EU, well, ok, I just don't see the EU getting involved as these are internal matters dealt with by the state. If there are rules to follow then they cannot be 'told off' for not acting. Timeframes are not covered in EU rules as I understand it.

Now down to your situation, firstly, if the contract of sale appears in both your and your wifes name then the title deed will also have these names. As far as I know you cannot just resubmit under a different name. When you or your solicitor deposited the original contract with the land registry, this would have provided you with specific performance meaning protecting your rights as the legal owner of that property and your seller cannot refuse to transfer the title over to you.

Now, your question, can you sell without title deeds. The answer is yes you can. It would be a case of withdrawing your original sales contract from the land registry and the buyer resubitting his.

I am guessing that you bought privately, ie not from a developer??

Because if you had bought from a developer, you would be waiting a darn sight longer than 2 years to see your deeds. remembering that when you do get the deeds there will also be transfer fees to pay.

Transfers can happen in a day, never mind 2 weeks. If you have 2 willing parties once the CGT is paid by the seller, then then land registry can be done in a day and you could pick up your deeds the next day.

I hope I have answered your question, and it was not my intention to upset you with my comment, but it was just a sarcastic remark.

Have a nice day.
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Postby chedda » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:51 pm

Thanks for getting back to me Pan or is it Panther ? Yes i omitted my citizenship in my original post not deliberately though i apologise for not being thorough in my description of the situation. I understand if we both were EU citizens things would have been very different. However now my status has no effect upon proceedings i always thought the lesser status moved up to match mine rather than mine moving down to match hers. I see so the original contract of sale is binding thanks for this information. Yes i bought privately and yes i realise the time frame with new builds that is truly shocking. I still hold out hope for some action particularly in the light that we will be moving country so a non EU national will not be on the title deeds for long. I guess the government are acting with caution due to the number of difficulties concerning non nationals to own property especially in mixed culture marriages with divorces etc. I understand that fees must be paid and they are still in place with my solicitor to act with. Yes you have answered my questions and i thank you for that. I also understand now your comment was sarcastic. I just wonder what those MP's in europe are really doing with their time are they helping anyone maybe they should be accountable but that is an entirely different discussion. I wish everyone here the best of luck in Cyprus im sure i will look back with fond memories.

Sincerely Chedda
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Re: thanks

Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:01 pm

chedda wrote:Thanks for getting back to me Pan or is it Panther ? Yes i omitted my citizenship in my original post not deliberately though i apologise for not being thorough in my description of the situation. I understand if we both were EU citizens things would have been very different. However now my status has no effect upon proceedings i always thought the lesser status moved up to match mine rather than mine moving down to match hers. I see so the original contract of sale is binding thanks for this information. Yes i bought privately and yes i realise the time frame with new builds that is truly shocking. I still hold out hope for some action particularly in the light that we will be moving country so a non EU national will not be on the title deeds for long. I guess the government are acting with caution due to the number of difficulties concerning non nationals to own property especially in mixed culture marriages with divorces etc. I understand that fees must be paid and they are still in place with my solicitor to act with. Yes you have answered my questions and i thank you for that. I also understand now your comment was sarcastic. I just wonder what those MP's in europe are really doing with their time are they helping anyone maybe they should be accountable but that is an entirely different discussion. I wish everyone here the best of luck in Cyprus im sure i will look back with fond memories.

Sincerely Chedda

chedda can you pass-on your more amenable and level-headed response to suggestions, to some others :lol:

pantheman is a gold-mine of information on property issues .... I may have to tap him in the future too :wink:
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Postby pantheman » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:27 pm

You can tap into me anytime :wink:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:28 pm

Pantheman.... You are such a tease! :-)
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Postby pantheman » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:29 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Pantheman.... You are such a tease! :-)

yeah, i agree totally ha ha .

I'm harmless really :oops:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:30 pm

:-) :-)
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Postby roseandchan » Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:14 am

chedda, before you use this agent, check that they are a member of the estate agents association as they are the only agents that have a code of conduct. then check out the company at companies house, you can do it on line. it only cost a couple of quid. remember any contract you sign is always in their favor. it is there to f--k you. people put their trust into agents far to easily.
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Postby pantheman » Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:51 am

roseandchan wrote:chedda, before you use this agent, check that they are a member of the estate agents association as they are the only agents that have a code of conduct. then check out the company at companies house, you can do it on line. it only cost a couple of quid. remember any contract you sign is always in their favor. it is there to f--k you. people put their trust into agents far to easily.

Sound advice, but ...................

Having a code of conduct is one thing following it is something else. What being a member of any association has to do woth signing a sole agency I'll never know, but if it makes you feel better.

You check them out at companies house, check what exactly, their turnover? Financial strength? Would that be the same companies house that Enron, Polly peck, BICC and many others were part of?

Checking out a company is ok if you are looking to buy it, but to instruct them to sell your house, give me a break!

Chedder is not stupid, you read the terms, if you like them, go for it, if not don't. I don't see the benefits of sole agency unless he is giving you a super low commisssion rate, otherwise don't commit yourself to sole.

You will have more chance of a sale if it is advertised island wide.

Good Luck with the sale.
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Postby roseandchan » Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:17 am

yep, find out everything about them. we signed up to sell our house once with an agent who sold our contract on. he was a bankcrupt and they tried to sue us over the contract even though we didn't sell through them. the insolvency people didn't even know the agents real name, he had many. he chatted up an old lady from the church, got her to remortgage her house, screwed everyone and drove off into the sunset. with all his rental clients money, 100k of the old ladies money and sold us on.big county court battle whci we won. so if anyone out there meets a man called martin bristow with conections in east anglia, beware! never trust an estate agent! hubby would like to give him a good kicking along with lots of other people.
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