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MiVision ?

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Postby Christie » Wed May 18, 2005 5:03 pm

Thank you, andytandreou. I have I-choice 1000, too, and I was actually considering to switch to Spider and Nova. I think total cost will be approximately the same or not much higher.
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Postby andytandreou » Thu May 19, 2005 11:42 am

Hey Christie, Nova is great, you will love it! Also, because Nova has so much available "space" in it's digital system you can expect new channels to be added each month, recently they added "Jetix" which is a new cartoon channel.

As for the Internet, you gave me the impression that you will switch from I-choice1000 to SpiderADSL? Unless i am mistaken then you should know that I-choice is a prerquisite for ADSL (aka Broadband) Internet, you MUST have one of the three versions of i-choice before you can apply to an ISP for an internet connection. Since you have i-choice1000 you will need to call Spidernet and get their SpiderADSL-1000 product which costs around £11 per month. I strongly recoment Spidernet for their unbreatable prices and great service.

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Postby Piratis » Fri May 20, 2005 1:28 am

Mivision now has another offer for the i-choice subscribers:
8 months of Mivision for 20 pounds (and free installation). If you add VAT it comes to less than 3 pounds per month.

And by the way, they now added 2 more music channels, 1 more sports channel coming soon and also PIK 1, PIK 2, ANT1 and SIGMA.
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Postby Christie » Fri May 20, 2005 10:34 am

Piratis, I suppose this is the offer for new subscribers only, as a happy user of MI Vision I would not be able to enjoy it :)
I am glad they are adding new channels, but the last four channels you mentioned were in MI Vision from the beginning. But I prefer to watch them through local TV, to avoid 'frozen' picture just when Poirot is about to expose the murderer :2guns:
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Postby It » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:35 am


I got Mivision about 2 months ago and so far I had no "freezing" problems. Do any of you have such problems now? I am just 500 meters from the Cyta station and maybe this is why I don't have them.

I've been told that after the 20 pounds for 8 months offer Cyta got so many applications that now you have to wait 2-3 months to get it installed. Is this true?
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Postby Christie » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:44 am

Now it seems they are improving the quality because that 'freezing' effect became very rare. Also, they offered three next months free for existing users, this is also comforting compensation for our patience:)
I don't know how long it takes now to get connected but I was waiting for 8 months after I made application. They called me approximately once a month inquiring whether I still wanted it :)
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