1)All Turkish troops drown out?
2)All settelers have to be send back? or 45.000 can stay?
3)Turkey,Greece and England musn't be quarantors of Cyprus?
4)All refugees should return to North ?
5)All refugees of 1974 should take their properties completely ? This should be not in a time period but immediately after solution day?
6)There shouldn't be any limitations about residence and political rights in Turkish Cypriot State?
7)Seneta should be built up among cypriot senators but not Turkish Cypriot senators and Greek Cypriot Senators which will be 24-24?
8)There should be East Germany style unification ?
9)Turkish Cypriots shouldn't have veto power in any subject? or in important subjects they can ?
10)Each state's economy should be seperated?
Only those that (by today) are married with T/C or where born here.
Some time is needed. Immediately is not feasible. If they do not take it all, they should be compensated for the rest.
It depends on what you mean "residence" is this what Annan calls "citizenship" or you mean something else?
Important subjects, but not everything.
What about their human rights? A setteler that lived here for 30 years,had children here...And you show them the door!? Also remember they are about 41.000 ! If they reject the plan its so hard to be accepted by tc side!
This is Annan Plan!
citizenship & using political rights!
For example subject that are releated with constituent state sovereignty or identity of tcs?
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