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peace yes - capitulation never

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby redmania » Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:15 pm

Its nice to see a good intellectual debate regarding our homeland. Lets remember Cyprus is OUR home. Cyprus should not be used as political pawn by Turkey, Greece or anyone else for that matter. Which is why the Annan plan was rejected, the GC politicians did the Cypriot people a great mis-justice by allowing some of the text within the Annan document to be even printed.

We can use this plan and adopt it to suit the Cypriot peoples needs not Turkeys. Cyprus should be a 100% independent federation. No foreign country should be allowed to excercise any political or military power for their own gain. All settlers must return, all troops must leave and all people should be given the option of returning to their homes or compensation. We should embrace each others cultures and identities and move our nation forward within europe as equals! Not with puppet strings to Ankara.

It is with great sadness I see my country divided and it is with great hope that I ask my Cypriot brothers to be understanding and patient, peace and equality will succeed its just a matter or time.
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Postby FinalFantasy » Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:31 pm

I dont think that everything is over..i believe in the future time not more that 6 months they should call both leaders for another solution...Dont think that UN going to leave turkey to invade north part forever(which is on European land)...We definetly need a fare solution for both sides...not only for GCs or TCs..equal and fare solution for both sides under democracy and human rights...Not all benefits for Turkey,Uk,USA!...Benefits for Cypriots... :roll:
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