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Name 5 'forumers' you like and why.

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Name 5 'forumers' you like and why.

Postby Agios Ionas » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:45 pm

I know most of us have more than 5 people we like at this forum. I'm not asking you to rank your fellow forum members. Just pick a random 5, list them in no particular order and tell me why you've learned to like those people.

I'll start. I haven't been here for long so I will choose people that have been active during my limited time at this forum. In no particular order...

denizaksulu: He seems like a very level-headed person. I perceive him as friendly and funny and he can also hit the serious note when needed. He is the kind of person I'd be happy to have as my neighbour.

Oracle: Some people might say that she's a bit too rabid when it comes to Turks. But she's undoubtedly an intelligent person and I always seem to respect such people. She's entertaining and mysterious. The forum would be very different without her. Some would say for good, but I'd say for worse. She knows what she wants and what she thinks, and she's not afraid to tell the world.

miltiades: I'm not as US friendly as he is but I think this man is clever and also very passionate. The US is far from perfect and they've done so many despicable things playing their games of world domination. But just like miltiades I'd prefer them to be the world's biggest super power. I'd rather be 'dominated' by the Americans than the Chinese or Muslim militants. Anyway, while we may not agree on some things I think miltiades is a true Cypriot who definitely consider TC's to be equal to himself. Kudos to him.

Get Real!: It's a shame he left so soon after my arrival here. Some considered him a fanatic, some considered him a wealth of information. He called himself a 'Purveyor of fine messages since 1571'. Whatever you think I think he was an asset to this forum and anybody who likes to discuss things would find him to be a worthy adversary. Please come back!

halil: Judging from his postings we don't agree on much, if anything. But nevertheless he comes across as a likeable man. Perhaps his struggling with the English language makes it easy to misunderstand him. But his struggles are admirable because it shows that he really wants to partake in the discussions. This is a man I'd love to meet over some food and a couple of drinks while discussing the good things and not-so-good things about Cyprus. In order to have a nice meeting we should probably avoid discussing politics though.

Anybody who didn't make my 'list', fear not. During my stay so far (albeit a tad short) there are many people with qualities that made me like you. It's very likely that you are among those.
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Postby mehmet » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:38 pm

Ok I'll go

Bananiot; for the empathy he shows to Turkish Cypriots

Birkibirsli; for the empathy he shows to all

Militiades; always has a kind word to say. Although I'm on the opposite end of the political spectrum I'm on the same end of the humanitarian spectrum.

Halil; has a good heart, never resorts to abuse.

Zan; not because I agree with him but because I empathise with him as a Turkish Cypriot living in a foreign land.

I could say more but only five responses asked for. I would add Piratis and Kikapu as people's whose views I have some respect for.
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Postby Simon » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:13 am

Piratis - talks a lot of sense.

Kikapu - very balanced and fair.

Kifeas - very knowledgable and very funny even though he does not mean to be.

Get Real - funny.

Sotos - very direct.

The forumer I dislike the most is Bananiot for being a complete arsehole. Sorry but I couldn't resist that one.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:09 am

Thank you for the 1 and a half vote ;)

I like many members for many different reasons. I started writing the list but I found it impossible to write just 5 names. So I will intentionally leave out the members who we usually agree with and therefore you can guess that I like, and I will write the names of some other members who might not like me but I still like them.

Iceman/Deniz/Mehmet - Examples of Turkish Cypriots who I believe we could work out a fair solution with. (there are others in this category, who either belong in the "obvious choices" which I said I will not mention, or do not visit the forum now)

Halil - Probably the most genuine Cypriot in the forum. It is unfortunate that he fall in the jaws of Bayrak, otherwise he could be in the above list.

Bananiot - Almost never agreed with him but the forum would be very different without this communal "Devil's Advocate"
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:53 am

I find my self agreeing with Piratis's "selection" , I have met Halil on a number of occasions , the most memorable one when I was with him at the foot of St Hilarion Castle and my phone rung .My son in law informed me of my grandsons birth , so thrilled I was and Halil was the first to congratulate me and later on the first to wet the baby's head !! Genuine guy , under attack many times refusing steadfastly to hit back in anger.
Iceman , I have also met and consider him one of the most genuine guys on this forum . Kafenes whom I also met , a proud Cypriot and a talented artist , I have his Cd's in my car and listen to him mostly daily .
Bananiot whom I also met for his commitment to a united Cyprus and for his resilience. Attacked many times quite viciously refusing however to be drawn into a forum brawl , unlike me !!
Deniz whom I have also met for his gentlemanly approach to life , his caring site and his love of Cyprus , Kikapu whom I have also met again for his love of Cyprus and for considering me just as I consider him , a true Cypriot .
Lena whom I have also met more than once for her calming influence and genuine interest in all.
Niki and Kalahari both of whom I met and keep in touch too. A wonderful couple with immense pride and a lot of love for Cyprus.
It seems I have been extremely lucky in meeting so many from the forum but most importantly liking them all !!
I know the author requested a selection of 5 members , I shall disobey and add a few more .
Having mentioned all those I have met and genuinely like , I hope they forgive me if I include at the very top of my list a man , a true Cypriot that I admire immensely and have read all his posts , never once disagreeing with a single word, a man that I consider one of the finest Cypriots none other than the man himself my dear HORIANOS
Kifeas , I have followed for the last couple of years , his impressive knowledge of the Cyprus problem overpowers me and finally Piratis himself for being Piratis but also for his wisdom in recognizing in Halil , Ahmet and Bananiot three great Cypriots.
My apologies to the author for exceeding the required total of 5 !!!

ps. Halil , I was in my bank yesterday in South London when an elderly couple called out "Miltiades !!
I looked round and saw a very Cypriot looking couple , the man approached me and introduced himself , in Greek , as Ismail the brother in law of Rajaye , I had met the lady once before when she came to my showroom . They shook my hand and proudly said to me ISE ENAS KALOS KIPREOS. I was chuffed to say the least !!
Last edited by miltiades on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:32 am

The Five Furies of the Forum that get me all a Flutter .....

There are many that fall within these categories. I will mention the Archetypes.

The Venerable Ones (Semnai) 8)

Kifeas the Kemalism King; like Zeus thunder-bolting wrathful words of spin-liquefying precision if not remarkable syntax which back-translates into perfect Greek. Reworking the uses of schizophrenic, imbecile, Vaseline and other constituent components.

Exactors of Justice (Praxidikae) :)

Piratis the minimalist; posts honed perfectly to hold pure facts and figures. The message a reminder of the plain and simple truth from which one should not stray in seeking a Just solution.

Madnesses (Maniaes) :P

Brittania the bright and breezy brat who boldly tells the truth even if it is a b*tch to hear.

Awful Ones / Retaliators :shock:

Sotos and Paliometoxo, who extract an essence of any anti-GC messages and fling back with folly.

The Reducer / Destroyer of demands :wink:

GreekForumer a generous source of knowledge. Out of the box inspirer; questioning the methods and demands of preposterous Turks. Most effective user of words and logic as weapons.

The glue and substance are all the rest of the forumers who make up the rich tapestry of opinions to keep the battles going and make you beg for more.
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Postby Brittania » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:01 am

I like that bubbles gal...or is it Cheshire cat? Anyway, the one thats always drunk, I like her.
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Postby kafenes » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:19 am

Brittania wrote:I like that bubbles gal...or is it Cheshire cat? Anyway, the one thats always drunk, I like her.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Brittania, that made me laugh!
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:34 am

Heres mine (no particular order)

Bubbles - she always brightens things up - I imagine her as always smiling (well, nearly always)!!
Deniz - True Gentleman and wise with it....
Halil - for keeping us all informed (and hungry)!!
Miltiades - For his true Cypriotness
Bananiot - For his firm beliefs but gentle views

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Postby halil » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:39 am

miltiades wrote:I find my self agreeing with Piratis's "selection" , I have met Halil on a number of occasions , the most memorable one when I was with him at the foot of St Hilarion Castle and my phone rung .My son in law informed me of my grandsons birth , so thrilled I was and Halil was the first to congratulate me and later on the first to wet the baby's head !! Genuine guy , under attack many times refusing steadfastly to hit back in anger.
Iceman , I have also met and consider him one of the most genuine guys on this forum . Kafenes whom I also met , a proud Cypriot and a talented artist , I have his Cd's in my car and listen to him mostly daily .
Bananiot whom I also met for his commitment to a united Cyprus and for his resilience. Attacked many times quite viciously refusing however to be drawn into a forum brawl , unlike me !!
Deniz whom I have also met for his gentlemanly approach to life , his caring site and his love of Cyprus , Kikapu whom I have also met again for his love of Cyprus and for considering me just as I consider him , a true Cypriot .
Lena whom I have also met more than once for her calming influence and genuine interest in all.
Niki and Kalahari both of whom I met and keep in touch too. A wonderful couple with immense pride and a lot of love for Cyprus.
It seems I have been extremely lucky in meeting so many from the forum but most importantly liking them all !!
I know the author requested a selection of 5 members , I shall disobey and add a few more .
Having mentioned all those I have met and genuinely like , I hope they forgive me if I include at the very top of my list a man , a true Cypriot that I admire immensely and have read all his posts , never once disagreeing with a single word, a man that I consider one of the finest Cypriots none other than the man himself my dear HORIANOS
Kifeas , I have followed for the last couple of years , his impressive knowledge of the Cyprus problem overpowers me and finally Piratis himself for being Piratis but also for his wisdom in recognizing in Halil , Ahmet and Bananiot three great Cypriots.
My apologies to the author for exceeding the required total of 5 !!!

ps. Halil , I was in my bank yesterday in South London when an elderly couple called out "Miltiades !!
I looked round and saw a very Cypriot looking couple , the man approached me and introduced himself , in Greek , as Ismail the brother in law of Rajaye , I had met the lady once before when she came to my showroom . They shook my hand and proudly said to me ISE ENAS KALOS KIPREOS. I was chuffed to say the least !!

Thanks to everybody !

For me all the forum members are same . I love all of you . We are all human .... we can have our differences ....This is life as long as we don't damage each other everything is ok for me .... by meeting each other will not damage us .... it will strengthen our friendship .

we have a Turkish saying . A cup of coffee has got 40 years memories or friendship between people . lets have cup of coffees together !

p.s Miltiades Raziye Hanim son is getting married on 31st july . She must be very busy in these days . boy name is Hüseyin and girl name is Hale .
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