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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:55 pm

kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

Do you mean a Big fat lying Turkish tosher :?
Last edited by Oracle on Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:56 pm

pantheman wrote:
kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

God, boy, don't you have any imagination????

No. Answer my Q please! :x
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:57 pm

Oracle wrote:
kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

Do you mean a Big fat lying Turkish tosher :?

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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:01 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Oracle wrote:
kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

Do you mean a Big fat lying Turkish tosher :?


Somebody like halil ... who supports warmongering Turks invading and occupying other countries whilst eating and drinking without a care in the world in his pseudo-cultured world .....

Big fat lying Turkish tosher :roll:
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Postby Sotos » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:29 pm

Simon wrote:I have to say I agree with much of pantheman's sentiments. I believe Halil is one of the biggest circulaters of Turkish propaganda on this forum. ANYONE who supports the "TRNC" is NO friend of mine. :evil:

I agree! I think some people think that Halil is just naive not bad. Yes he sounds stupid but that is mostly because of his bad English not because he is so naive. He really hates everything Greek, he is totally bayrak brainwashed and he wants the Turks to take away from us the north of our country! He only participates if forums because Bayrak pays him to spread there shitty propaganda! 9 out of 10 of his posts are just pasting Turkish propaganda!
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Postby The Grim Reaper » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:32 pm

kurupetos wrote:I nominate the Grim Reaper! :lol:

Death :evil: notes in Death :evil: 's BLACK BOOK that Kurupetos mocks Death :evil: . Let us see what THE BOOK OF THE DEAD :evil: has to say.... Ouch!.. Hell! .... Death :evil: has dropped the weighty volume "Cooking and Sinning" by Halil on Death :evil: 's "foot".... Ah, Here we are - Kurepetos - be wary of supporting second rate football teams...ha ...huh...ha..huh...

Death must away now to the Cyprus DeadPoliteForum where the Admin is suspending a member for offensive use of emoticons. ...ha...huh... etc. etc...
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:56 pm

Oracle wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Oracle wrote:
kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

Do you mean a Big fat lying Turkish tosher :?


Somebody like halil ... who supports warmongering Turks invading and occupying other countries whilst eating and drinking without a care in the world in his pseudo-cultured world .....

Big fat lying Turkish tosher :roll:

OK, danke schoen :)
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:57 pm

pantheman wrote:
miltiades wrote:Both of you are not only wrong but JEALOUS , cause no one VOTED for you !! :lol: :lol:

Milti hold your hair on, I wondered when you were gonna come on to save his arse.

I don't come here to be mr popular as some do. I read whats being said and say my piece, end of. Live with it.

You must think we are all stupid, you snuggle up to these people but they would have no hesitation to stab you in the back to get what they want.

Do you honestly think they even care about you, you must give them a bloody good laugh whenever you come on to defend them.

Koumbare in case it has escaped you, they are holding our country at gun point and they want us to accept them and you just don't see it do you?

Yes have your coffee with Mr propogander and your lunch with the biggest GC prodoti going Mr B, but please do us a favour, keep your sentiments about these people to yourself. they are as friends to me as the Nazis are to the jews.

Have a nice and safe flight. Enjoy whats left of cyprus whilst you can.

Listen Boy , you have a lot of growing up to do and just in case you feel that you are more of Cypriot than Im let me put you straight right now . I love Cyprus more than I love either my family , my grandchildren , my wife or anyone else . My love for my country has no bounds and it has no boundaries , North South East or West , Cyprus is my country , T/Cs , Armenians, G/Cs ARE MY PEOPLE.
Dont you ever question my motives , I'm my own man I stand up to anyone and my views are my own , I have no trouble in visiting the occupied part of Cyprus , my T/C compatriots have no problem shaking the hand of a true Cypriot that does not for one second recognise the division of my beloved Cyprus .
In my familly there exists a T/C , married to my sister in laws sister , a wonderful man and a true Cypriot .
Don't play the tough guy with me I'm old enough to be your father .
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:07 pm

Miltiades your country is more than about the freedom to shake hands with Turks.

The majority of Cyprus is about people like pantheman and myself, who want to move away from these old stereotypes of fawning to one community or other.

We treat everyone the same, and according to their merits as human beings and not whether they claim some privilege through an ancestral rule over us ...
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Postby SSBubbles » Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:12 pm

kurupetos wrote:
pantheman wrote:
kurupetos wrote:What's a tosher? :?

God, boy, don't you have any imagination????

No. Answer my Q please! :x

Does 'malakas' help you any?
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