1. Greeks may have 'invented' it. But you Turks turned it into perfection as a tool of degradation and domination. Typical barbarian behaviour.
2. Why do you assume that I'm Greek? Assumptions will only get you into trouble.
3. You accuse others of being peasants? What's wrong with such a fine profession? Without them we wouldn't have much to eat. You owe these people an apology.
4. Following your logic a peasant is a bad thing, right? What about your Anatolian peasant buddies then? Do you consider them untermensch as well Master?
5. I'm not accusing you of being a peasant, but you surely type like one... a quite ignorant one I might add.
6. Oh... and that European membership card... do not assume that you will get one very soon.
7. By the way... western Turkey may be 'well into the 21st century' but the eastern part is not. And while parts of your country and infrastructure is of 21st century quality your minds and attitudes, not to mention your views on human rights are still firmly stuck in the 17th century.
8. I'm a 10th level dan flame warrior. Challenge me and you will lose.
9. When I'm done with you I will denigrate you even further and allow others to indulge themselves in gloating and schadenfreude.
10. On second thought... you're damaged goods. You're not worth my precious time. From now and on I will simply ignore you as the nobody you are and always will be. Have a nice evening 'mate'.