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Doesn' t make sense

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kifeas » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:05 pm

tubi wrote:I know that Turkey benefits from cyprus .. I think ın 1960 Turkish population was 18 % and TC had 30 % in the parliament .. Now its almost 1/4 so it would be around 50 % in same proportion so doesnt matter ..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No "tubi," TCs should have 100% in the parliament, and the GCs should have only the remaining 0%, because according to your father Mustafa Kemal, "one Turk equals the whole world!"
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS: Is that the type of education they provide you with in the north, in your 6 "universities" that you are so much proud of?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby LENA » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:16 pm

I doubt if tubi says the truth. I guess he/she never had the "peace maker" feelings he/she said at the beginning of this thread.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:05 am

Kifeas wrote:
tubi wrote:oke I just wanna explain something .. I want peace ok ? I was almost in the most of the organizations that made for solution but last week when I was at a discussion about our future with Greek cyp all of my opinions changed .. I'd rather live in my side as my own as a citizen of eu

The problem with you, "tubi," is that you do not have a side of your own, since what you regard as your "side" is nothing more than stolen land from other people (GCs) that have an equal right with you to exist in this part of Cyprus, like they used to live for centuries. Therefore, just because you are an imbecile, (i.e. a TC that has been brainwashed to think that being a minority in a place, on the basis of his cultural or any other type of identity, is by default something "terribly dreadful" and "derogatory,") it doesn't mean that you can possibly have the right to claim other people's land and territory, and violate their human and other rights, so that you will be able to live alone and separated from the rest. You neither have such a right, nor does such a right exist anywhere else on this planet!

I -being an atheist, am a minority in Cyprus, since the vast majority are religious (Christians or Moslems.) Do I also have the right -together with the rest of atheists in Cyprus, to seize some part of Cyprus, kick out all the religious people and steal their properties because they are the majority, and then claim this part to be "my own side," only because I do not like to be a minority in my country on this basis? I do not know what else to say, to convince you how ridiculous your arguments are. The only thing you should hear and know is that you do not have a side in Cyprus that is yours alone, outside your twisted imagination and fantasy!

If you are being killed persecuted discriminated against and forced to practice religion then you have every right to fight for survival and even create a safe haven.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:09 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
tubi wrote:oke I just wanna explain something .. I want peace ok ? I was almost in the most of the organizations that made for solution but last week when I was at a discussion about our future with Greek cyp all of my opinions changed .. I'd rather live in my side as my own as a citizen of eu

The problem with you, "tubi," is that you do not have a side of your own, since what you regard as your "side" is nothing more than stolen land from other people (GCs) that have an equal right with you to exist in this part of Cyprus, like they used to live for centuries. Therefore, just because you are an imbecile, (i.e. a TC that has been brainwashed to think that being a minority in a place, on the basis of his cultural or any other type of identity, is by default something "terribly dreadful" and "derogatory,") it doesn't mean that you can possibly have the right to claim other people's land and territory, and violate their human and other rights, so that you will be able to live alone and separated from the rest. You neither have such a right, nor does such a right exist anywhere else on this planet!

I -being an atheist, am a minority in Cyprus, since the vast majority are religious (Christians or Moslems.) Do I also have the right -together with the rest of atheists in Cyprus, to seize some part of Cyprus, kick out all the religious people and steal their properties because they are the majority, and then claim this part to be "my own side," only because I do not like to be a minority in my country on this basis? I do not know what else to say, to convince you how ridiculous your arguments are. The only thing you should hear and know is that you do not have a side in Cyprus that is yours alone, outside your twisted imagination and fantasy!

If you are being killed persecuted discriminated against and forced to practice religion then you have every right to fight for survival and even create a safe haven.

Gosh it didn't take you long to start moaning about the "trnc" :roll:
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