brother wrote:T/C are aware of their cultural components. They are as much Turkish as they are Cypriots. They can understand Turkey and Turkish people very well. The funny thing is T/C dont share many typical characteristics of Turkish society. We T/C are very easy-going, pragmatical, negotiatable, warm-blooded mediterranean people while people from Turkey are stubborn, proud, one-track-minded, unnegotiatable and fighting people. If you try to discuss a matter with a Turk from mainland you have to take into account that you might end up being physically attacked or being stabbed!!! Cypriots generally dislike this behaviour and almost 28 years living with the settlers here we learned to keep them out of our private lives. In public everybody tends to treat settlers equally (also because Cypriots avoid being rude to anybodys face) but when it comes to families visiting each other for a coffee and chat we tend to select our friends from Cypriots. (This is also natural as Turks have different culture and tates- they prefer to drink their funny Turkish tea to our lovely coffee for one thing!!!)
turkkan wrote:'There is huge difference between tc and turks but 30+ years of living with them, watching their t.v stations we are being led to believe that we are the same, but truth be we are not.'
FIrstly brother, no one is leading you to beleive anything, you choose to beleive what you want. As for the 'truth' which you seem to think you know, perhaps you can share it with us.
'In Cyprus you can't spot mcuh differences between villagers of different villages; be it a TC, GC or a settler villager because Cyprus is a small place. '
Insan,it is one thing distinguishing between people and another to socially connect. Your are going to have to provide a bit more than your above analysis for this quesiton im afraid, you would feel more comfortable in a greek village than a turkish village? Second, you have not answered the question at all, what differentiates us from the turks in turkey? And moving on are the differences greater than our differences with the greeks in the south?
'Illiterate people, fascists, ultra-nationalists, conservatists, religious fanatics, bigots, mafia, self-interest groups, organized crime groups etc. exist in all societies at around almost similar percentages.
Please broaden your mind and try to look at the events from a wider perspective.'
I do not need you to tell me to broaden my mind insan, im assuming with your final sentence you are implying that I am one of the above , if that is so then you are the one that clearly needs a broadening of mind. my question was not offensive in the least to anyone, and has a direct implication with the general topic of this forum,it is also something that is constantly brought up on this forum. tnx.
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