DT. wrote:Murataga wrote:DT. wrote:If you ask my mother in law who was a doctor during the invasion she'll also tell you how many abortions she carried out of young girls after the invasion. Those naughty little minxes, having summer romances with those handsome turkish soldiers while their father was getting shot.tsk tsk tsk
Do me a favor and ask her how batallions and regimets of "handsome" Greek soldiers were firing roses and magnolias from their Czech machine guns to innocent TC civilians when no Turkish unit was on the island. Ask her about the innocent TC kids, women and elderly who had their guts sticking out she stitched up when no Turkish soldier was on the island and ask her how many TC kids, women and elderly she helped to dig out of the mass graves of Murataga, Sandallar, Taskent and etc afterwards...? Ask her how medicine cures TC kids` lives that were ruined and are being ruined due to lack of proper education and devastating economic conditions because their fathers refused and still refuse to sell out their future to GC demands? Ask her how many babies and elderly she treated that went ill and died for living years in tents with no running water, without proper medicine and without decent food? Ask her how she plans to cure generations of my peoples` suffering of death, embargo, poverty and unemployment because they refused and still refuse to yield on their rights while you fart through silk in the South.
What we're playing poker tragedy..As we say in Greek En eshis Ypothesi!
I am not playing anything. You are the one that started first with body parts and lead on with raped girls. I really do not know and care what you call it in Greek, but I know I would call it "pathetic" in English.
DT. wrote:You lose hands down simply on numbers in this sick little game of yours.
I doubt it. Let me know when you have a precise number of GC casualties after GC "National Guard" and pro/anti-Makarios fighting deaths.
DT. wrote:I CALL all the poor souls you listed above and raise them with one of your napalm bombs landing on the Nicosia General Hospital...I have pictures if you like.
If you decide to go there let me know for I have an album of my own. Perhaps your mother in-law is also in it pulling out bullets from the dead bodies of 8 year olds hiding inside bathtubs for their life.
DT. wrote:DOes this make you feel better?
What makes me feel better is exploiting hideous attempts that try to equate the whole of my peoples` 45 year long (and ongoing) devastation on all aspects of life by your people to a portion of your peoples` well-compensated 2 hour drive to the South.