denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:umit07 wrote:Hosgeldin Zan !
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Good luck at Australia .
It was nice to see you and met you today . I was very happy that you have recognize me .... you see how good to put our pictures to forum .
by looking you have noticed me .... I can say your mother looked worried that you are living from Cyprus .
Don't forget that Australia is also seconed country for Turkish Cypriots like UK .
Umit, hayirli yolculuklar. Please keep in touch, and I hope to see you in the future. I am sorry to have missed meeting you.
Gule gule.say hallo to my father-in-law Boomers and Humanist.
You never know Deniz abi , I might even bump into you somewhere

Naughty you , whats all this father-in-law business