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Is Turkey a record breaker?

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Is Turkey a record breaker?

Postby Talisker » Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:56 pm

Is Turkey the country which ignores the most United Nations resolutions?

With regard to the illegal invasion of Cyprus by Turkey the following resolutions were passed by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council between 1974 and 1997 and have all been ignored by Turkey.

General Assembly res. 3212 (XXIX) 1 Nov. 1974
3395 (XXX) 20 Nov. 1975
31/12 (1976)12 Nov. 1976
32/15 (1977) 9 Nov. 1977
33/15 (1978) 9 Nov. 1978
34/30 (1979) 20 Nov. 1979
37/253 (1983)13 May 1983

Security Council res. 353(1974) 20 July 1974
354(1974) 23 July 1974
355(1974) 1 August 1974
357(1974) 14 August 1974
358(1974) 15 August 1974
359(1974) 15 August 1974
360(1974) 16 August 1974
36K(I974)30 August 1974
364(1974) 13 Dec. 1974
365(1974) 13 Dec. 1974
367(1975) 12 March 1975
370(1975) 13 June 1975
414(1977) 15 Sept. 1977
440(1978) 27 Nov 1978
541(1983) 18 Nov. 1983
550(1984) 11 May 1984
649(1990) 12 March 1990
716(1991) 11 Oct. 1991
750(1992) 10 April 1992
774(1992) 26 Aug 1992
789(1992) 25 Nov. 1992
939(1994) 29 July 1994
969(1994) 21 Dec 1994
1000(1995) 23 June 1995
103211995) 19 Dec. 1995
1062(1996) 28 June 1996
1092(1996) 23 Dec. 1996
1117(1997) 27 June 1997

These Resolutions condemned the invasion of Cyprus, the continuing military occupation, its colonization, and the secessionist acts that followed and, demanded the return of refugees to their homes in safety, as well as the tracing of missing persons. They also urged the speedy withdrawal of all foreign troops, and called for respect of the human rights of the Cypriots.

Turkey continues to ignore these, and more recent, United Nations Resolutions. Is Turkey the most record-breaking, UN-ignoring, international law-breaking country on Earth?
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:21 pm

And yet more

These are some of the United Nations resolutions being violated by Turkey. This country is a member of NATO and houses USA bases.
And considers itself a modern secular Nation!!!

UN Resolutions /Years Passed /Notes Description

353 354 360 364 367 370 391 401 414 422 440/ 1974 to 1978/ Withdrawal of invading troops from Cyprus.

573 550 716/ 1985 to 1991/ Demand that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

1092 117 1178 1217 1251 1283 1303 1331 1384 1416 /1996 to 2002 /Call for a reduction and eventual withdrawal of occupying troops from Cyprus.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:25 pm

RichardB wrote:And yet more

These are some of the United Nations resolutions being violated by Turkey. This country is a member of NATO and houses USA bases.
And considers itself a modern secular Nation!!!

UN Resolutions /Years Passed /Notes Description

353 354 360 364 367 370 391 401 414 422 440/ 1974 to 1978/ Withdrawal of invading troops from Cyprus.

573 550 716/ 1985 to 1991/ Demand that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

1092 117 1178 1217 1251 1283 1303 1331 1384 1416 /1996 to 2002 /Call for a reduction and eventual withdrawal of occupying troops from Cyprus.

Did you get anything from the above? has one soldier gone? has one inch of land been returned? or have we disbanded? no in fact everything has remained the same, says a lot for the effctiveness of the above resolutions which are only numbers if you are unable to enforce them.
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:34 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
RichardB wrote:And yet more

These are some of the United Nations resolutions being violated by Turkey. This country is a member of NATO and houses USA bases.
And considers itself a modern secular Nation!!!

UN Resolutions /Years Passed /Notes Description

353 354 360 364 367 370 391 401 414 422 440/ 1974 to 1978/ Withdrawal of invading troops from Cyprus.

573 550 716/ 1985 to 1991/ Demand that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

1092 117 1178 1217 1251 1283 1303 1331 1384 1416 /1996 to 2002 /Call for a reduction and eventual withdrawal of occupying troops from Cyprus.

Did you get anything from the above? has one soldier gone? has one inch of land been returned? or have we disbanded? no in fact everything has remained the same.

And are you proud of the fact that your masters are not in compliance with international law?

Are you proud of the fact that your economy is fuelled by thievery and vice?

That No other country bar Turkey recognises you?

How much longer will Turkey continue to finance you?

The world is awakening VP

In order for Turkey to join the Club of Europe it so desires, it has no option other than to obey these resolutions.

The clock is ticking , The world is watching
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:48 pm

RichardB wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
RichardB wrote:And yet more

These are some of the United Nations resolutions being violated by Turkey. This country is a member of NATO and houses USA bases.
And considers itself a modern secular Nation!!!

UN Resolutions /Years Passed /Notes Description

353 354 360 364 367 370 391 401 414 422 440/ 1974 to 1978/ Withdrawal of invading troops from Cyprus.

573 550 716/ 1985 to 1991/ Demand that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

1092 117 1178 1217 1251 1283 1303 1331 1384 1416 /1996 to 2002 /Call for a reduction and eventual withdrawal of occupying troops from Cyprus.

Did you get anything from the above? has one soldier gone? has one inch of land been returned? or have we disbanded? no in fact everything has remained the same.

And are you proud of the fact that your masters are not in compliance with international law?

Are you proud of the fact that your economy is fuelled by thievery and vice?

That No other country bar Turkey recognises you?

How much longer will Turkey continue to finance you?

The world is awakening VP

In order for Turkey to join the Club of Europe it so desires, it has no option other than to obey these resolutions.

The clock is ticking , The world is watching

Obviously as we remain in the north, even with all its imperfections the TRNC is preferred as a lack of movement to the ho so perfect GC south illustrates. Nothing has panned out as you GCs have predicted and your optimism will remain just that optimism nothing more nothing less.
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Postby Talisker » Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
RichardB wrote:And yet more

These are some of the United Nations resolutions being violated by Turkey. This country is a member of NATO and houses USA bases.
And considers itself a modern secular Nation!!!

UN Resolutions /Years Passed /Notes Description

353 354 360 364 367 370 391 401 414 422 440/ 1974 to 1978/ Withdrawal of invading troops from Cyprus.

573 550 716/ 1985 to 1991/ Demand that the declaration of an independent Turkish Cypriot state be withdrawn.

1092 117 1178 1217 1251 1283 1303 1331 1384 1416 /1996 to 2002 /Call for a reduction and eventual withdrawal of occupying troops from Cyprus.

Did you get anything from the above? has one soldier gone? has one inch of land been returned? or have we disbanded? no in fact everything has remained the same, says a lot for the effctiveness of the above resolutions which are only numbers if you are unable to enforce them.

I don't get it Viewpoint. Turkey is a founder member of the United Nations. It is also a candidate for one of the non-permanent seats allocated to the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) at the United Nations Security Council for the term 2009-2010.

So why does it feel it pick and choose on obeyance of UN resolutions and international law?
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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:01 pm

They also hold the record of human rights violations. Since they can not excel in anything else they decided to be champions in crime!
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Postby humanist » Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:31 am

Does Turkey have a use for the USA? the answer is clear.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:11 am

and another law from the EU which turkey will no doubt IGNORE like the rest of them.. i hop eEU enforces this rule this time and says if they ignore the eu, then the eu will by Force remove the troops///

The government yesterday welcomed the adoption by a European Parliament committee of a Famagusta report calling on Turkey to withdraw its troops from EU territory, starting with the ghost town.

The report was important as it disassociated the return of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants from an overall settlement, it noted.

“It’s a very positive report and a strong weapon in the hands of Cypriot refugees,” Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanou told The Cyprus Weekly yesterday.

“The report calls on Turkey to withdraw its occupation troops from the Republic of Cyprus, and this is very important. It also reflects the positive climate on Cyprus prevailing in the EU today,” he added.


The European Parliament Petitions Committee on Wednesday approved by 22 votes in favour and two against the report which notes that «Turkey must withdraw its occupation military forces from the Republic of Cyprus, an EU territory, starting with the return of the Famagusta sealed-off section to its lawful inhabitants in compliance with resolution 550 (1984) of the UN Security Council.”

Famagusta Mayor Alexis Galanos went a step further calling it “justice for Famagusta refugees, and a strong message to all.”

The return of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants is the best confidence building measure that can be applied, he stressed.

MEP Panayiotis Demetriou said in a statement that the Famagusta problem was now placed on its proper basis, disentangled from political approaches.

The report also recommends that "the institutions of the European Union must actively support and promote a solution which leads to the full restoration of property to its legitimate owners in Varosha."

The EP Committee then calls on the French presidency to resolve the issue of Famagusta within 2008, “and the European Parliament is urged in this contect to give full backign to this objective.”

Socialist Edek party welcomed the "crystal clear, unequivocal positions noted in the report" and thanked President of the European Socialists Martin Schultz for contributing towards its adoption.

The report, backed by the EPP, PSE and GUE/NGL groups of the European Parliament, negates a draft report by Committee Chairman Marcin Libicki who argued that Famagusta could not be returned without an overall solution to the Cyprus problem, first.

The link between an overall solution and the return of Famagusta had also been made by Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn.

In his report, Libicki had also included references to the 2004 Annan Plan and the alleged Turkish Cypriot "isolation".

He reportedly plans to submit his report independently, as a minority one, to European Parliament President Hans Gert Poettering.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:29 am

How will they impose the above? dont forget the ports issue, Turkey has refused unless the EU keeps its promises towards the TC people.
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