Oracle wrote:bill cobbett wrote:To my mind we must look at individual cases on their merits (or lack of them) after due application and process to the legal government, the RoC and after applying the sort of guidelines that are applied in other EU nation states.
bill in theory that all makes sense .. but I can see it would lead to so many issues and paperwork ...
Since they are all pretty much the same now, anyway... does it matter .... Turk by any other name or whatever Ataturk said ... one in another out etc.
Much simpler to give them a quota based on the 18% figure ... and they can decide amongst themselves who stays and who leaves.
But we set the deadline ... otherwise all out!
I would have to agree that O's approach would deal with the unlawful ( I think it's a contravention of one of the chapters of the Geneva Convention ) importation of settlers to deliberately alter demographics but I'm a nice sort of chap and would agree with some above who say that those born in CY or married to our northern siblings are granted citizenship.
To go some way to overcoming the 18% limit problem we could deport Mr Donktosh so that in terms of total body mass our northern community is maintained at 18% (in terms of weight.)