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34 Years of Achievements and Disappointments ...

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Postby halil » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:17 am

last 34 years shows how our life is getting better than better .İt shows clearly where we were at 63 and after 74 where we came .........

you can not understand it ... if you didn't live those days ....

everybody talks their own expriencies . if it was that much secure why the people are left their homes to come and stay at enclaves .

why Kafenes could'nt go to TC sector of the Larnaca ? Because of fear :!:

Why there was a enclave areas ? because of fear :!:

After 34 years if i can go to sea .....because of no fear :!:

we have to see these realities than we can see what kind of the changes happened at our lives in 34 years .

For me as a TC might be different than your . This is my idea and expriences of my life .
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