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Cyprus File

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:48 pm

RichardB wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:This is obviously highly topical ..... It is rather important work to gather all the facts together in the Cyprus File before too many witnesses have passed on etc. and whilst matters are easier to verify.

I wonder what the Grim Reaper would have to say about all this. I cant wait for the 'Cyprus File' to be published - if at all.

It would be very interesting if it ever were published but more often than not governments will just keep reclassifying document so they will not be released (AKA Kennedy assasiation.)

The events it cover Include the Turkish invasion and the return of President Makarios So obviously this period conerns the Northern side also

Do you know if there is an equivalent comittee in the North?

You do have a sense of humour. :lol: :lol:

But really I havent heard of any. Has anyone?

Where is Halil, when one needs him? :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:02 pm

Notice that all information in the "Cyprus File" in both Cyprus and Greece has remained classified.

Why is it secret? We all know what happened in 1974, so there is no reason to keep the events secret. What we do not know is what was agreed to happen and by whom. There is speculation that the dictatorship of Athens had agreed with Turkey to divide Cyprus. This is supported by witnesses, (Cypriot, UN and British), about the laying out of the ceasefire line, when Greek mainland officers would withdraw troops way back from contact with the Turkish army on all kinds of pretexts, thus withdrawing to predetermined lines of division. There is also evidence that when Turkey realised the sorry state the Greek side double crossed them, which would explain the exclamation "the bastards double crossed me" by dictator Ioannides on July 21.

The agreement to divide the island as well as the third parties who acted as go betweens could blow the whole Cyprus thing sky high. Cypriots on both sides would react strongly if tangible proof of such a deal was made public, hence the secrecy.

I tend to go for this view unless someone has a more reasonable explanation why the Cyprus File is such a tightly guarded secret.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:08 pm

The Cyprus Files are work in progress, and any material released at this stage would unduly influence other witnesses.

Best to deal with it as they have been doing ... gather all the evidence first from independent sources and then see if they corroborate.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:12 pm

Nikitas wrote:Notice that all information in the "Cyprus File" in both Cyprus and Greece has remained classified.

Why is it secret? We all know what happened in 1974, so there is no reason to keep the events secret. What we do not know is what was agreed to happen and by whom. There is speculation that the dictatorship of Athens had agreed with Turkey to divide Cyprus. This is supported by witnesses, (Cypriot, UN and British), about the laying out of the ceasefire line, when Greek mainland officers would withdraw troops way back from contact with the Turkish army on all kinds of pretexts, thus withdrawing to predetermined lines of division. There is also evidence that when Turkey realised the sorry state the Greek side double crossed them, which would explain the exclamation "the bastards double crossed me" by dictator Ioannides on July 21.

The agreement to divide the island as well as the third parties who acted as go betweens could blow the whole Cyprus thing sky high. Cypriots on both sides would react strongly if tangible proof of such a deal was made public, hence the secrecy.

I tend to go for this view unless someone has a more reasonable explanation why the Cyprus File is such a tightly guarded secret.

But if it would show the duplicity of the hated Junta, why keep it secet? It doesnt make any sense. :? I believe the secrecy is to protect top ranking figures in the GC administration or thereabouts. Same in the North too. They are all protected species.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:40 am

One reason I heard from a Greek politician is that the deal, even if carried out by the junta, shows consent to partition and strengthens the Turkish demand for it. Perhaps this is ther reason that BBF was reluctantly agreed to by all the post 1974 governments, it is much preferable to an outright partition.

Former Cyprus FM Rolandis last week, on a RIKSAT panel, said that Greece and Turkey had conspired to dissolve the RoC after 1960.

With friends like that who needs enemies!
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Postby DT. » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:11 pm

Nikitas wrote:Notice that all information in the "Cyprus File" in both Cyprus and Greece has remained classified.

Why is it secret? We all know what happened in 1974, so there is no reason to keep the events secret. What we do not know is what was agreed to happen and by whom. There is speculation that the dictatorship of Athens had agreed with Turkey to divide Cyprus. This is supported by witnesses, (Cypriot, UN and British), about the laying out of the ceasefire line, when Greek mainland officers would withdraw troops way back from contact with the Turkish army on all kinds of pretexts, thus withdrawing to predetermined lines of division. There is also evidence that when Turkey realised the sorry state the Greek side double crossed them, which would explain the exclamation "the bastards double crossed me" by dictator Ioannides on July 21.

The agreement to divide the island as well as the third parties who acted as go betweens could blow the whole Cyprus thing sky high. Cypriots on both sides would react strongly if tangible proof of such a deal was made public, hence the secrecy.
I tend to go for this view unless someone has a more reasonable explanation why the Cyprus File is such a tightly guarded secret.

An unlikely outcome Nikitas. We've become increasingly dormant and accepting over here. Not much can make this public react.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:40 am

DT said:

"An unlikely outcome Nikitas. We've become increasingly dormant and accepting over here. Not much can make this public react"

The same goes for Greece. The parliamentary commission that examined teh documents, facts and witnesses of the Cyprus File, decided to keep a lid on the situation. It is telling that Brigadier Georgitsis, who was head of the National Guard, during the war of 1974 was not charged with any offence, was retired with full pension, and set up a business in northern Greece and has not made any public statement since then. One would have thought that what he had to say would be very important and he would be the darling of the media. The media have interviewd former dictator Pattakos, major Apostolou, and other junta figures, but never Georgitsis, unless I missed it.

So the dormancy is not a Cypriot thing, and no one has explained why it is in the national interest.
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Re: Cyprus File

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:20 am ... -invasion/

nice pic.

Greece agrees to provide full access to the 'Cyprus File' - See more at: ... file#.dpuf

...finally, perhaps (lol); let's see.
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Re: Cyprus File

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:16 am

The first four volumes are set to be published in the coming days, while the rest of the volumes will be published at a later stage.
In total 32 volumes, each numbering between 500 to 600 pages, will be released. ... nded-over/

First volumes of the ‘Cyprus File’ to be handed over
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Re: Cyprus File

Postby kurupetos » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:29 am

IMO, nothing interesting will come up.

The interesting files have been removed from the Americ*nts, because of Kissinger filthy involvement in the Turkish invasion.
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