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Does CF need an image consultant?

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Does CF need an image consultant?

Postby Magnus » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:21 pm

Hi friends! Every so often, I get bored and take a glance at another Cyprus-related forum. I'm not a member, I just have a peek at the topics to see if there's anything interesting happening.

Anyone who does the same must know that we here at CF have a bit of a negative image. It seems others see us as nasty, abusive and unwelcoming to new people. Even those who have never had a disagreement on the forum and keep to the 'General' section get lumped in with those who are seen as being the trouble-makers. Obviously this is not in keeping with true Cypriot hospitality so maybe we need to get ourselves an image consultant.

On the other hand, maybe those other people are just a bit too over-sensitive or being mostly British ex-pats aren't as passionate about Cyprus as some of the regular posters on here. Surely we should be proud of having a forum filled with intelligent and opinionated people that can debate any issue and not just the 'safe' topics. I'm not saying the people on the other fora (or is it forums?) aren't intelligent, just that they tend to avoid discussions that may cause disagreements.

Personally, I don't think that people on this forum are any nastier than people on other fora (again, forums?) I've been part of. In fact I have yet to be directly insulted here (well, not properly anyway) and probably wouldn't mind if I was. I'm fairly certain that forum life for most of us would be very dull if we all just stuck to the same topics where we all agree all the time.

So what do you think? Do we need a change of image or are we fine as we are? Are those other people more mature and sensible than some of us here or do we just care more and express ourselves like the average Cypriot family; sometimes loud and offensive but ultimately united? :lol:
Last edited by Magnus on Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CBBB » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:25 pm

There are definitely a few people here that tend to go overboard sometimes, but so what!

If I was stuck in the place you mentioned (I was told by Lana no to mention it), I think I would end up becoming bored and as boring as most of their members and topics.
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Postby Magnus » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:27 pm

CBBB wrote:There are definitely a few people here that tend to go overboard sometimes, but so what!

If I was stuck in the place you mentioned (I was told by Lana no to mention it), I think I would end up becoming bored and as boring as most of their members and topics.

oops! didn't know we're not supposed to mention it. I'll amend the original post!
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Re: Does CF need an image consultant?

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:27 pm

Magnus wrote:Hi friends! Every so often, I get bored and take a glance at the Cyprus Living forum. I'm not a member, I just have a peek at the topics to see if there's anything interesting happening.

Anyone who does the same must know that we here at CF have a bit of a negative image. It seems others see us as nasty, abusive and unwelcoming to new people. Even those who have never had a disagreement on the forum and keep to the 'General' section get lumped in with those who are seen as being the trouble-makers. Obviously this is not in keeping with true Cypriot hospitality so maybe we need to get ourselves an image consultant.

On the other hand, maybe those other people are just a bit too over-sensitive or being mostly British ex-pats aren't as passionate about Cyprus as some of the regular posters on here. Surely we should be proud of having a forum filled with intelligent and opinionated people that can debate any issue and not just the 'safe' topics. I'm not saying the people on the other fora (or is it forums?) aren't intelligent, just that they tend to avoid discussions that may cause disagreements.

Personally, I don't think that people on this forum are any nastier than people on other fora (again, forums?) I've been part of. In fact I have yet to be directly insulted here (well, not properly anyway) and probably wouldn't mind if I was. I'm fairly certain that forum life for most of us would be very dull if we all just stuck to the same topics where we all agree all the time.

So what do you think? Do we need a change of image or are we fine as we are? Are those other people more mature and sensible than some of us here or do we just care more and express ourselves like the average Cypriot family; sometimes loud and offensive but ultimately united? :lol:

What attracted me to this forum was the generally high intellectual standard of debate that goes on here. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
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Postby greggy » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:31 pm

What surprises me is a group of adults switching between forums and bitching and back biting. Everyone knows everyone else's business and looking at most of the arguments its all about petty crap. Maybe you should all move into the same village where you can air your dirty laundry together instead of sitting on forums behind your computers. Just a thought
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Postby CBBB » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:34 pm

Ooooooooooo!!!! Nasty!
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:35 pm

I think they envy us! 8)

A lot of them post here under different names just to get away from the drivel. :roll:

They mostly know each other off the Forum on the other one because it is based around a small community in Paphos .... so they all have to maintain decorum with each other. I ended up discussing something happening virtually next door with someone once and I think we both know whom we are .... I won't tell if she won't tell :wink:

So the unmentionable is very parochial.

Then they come here and let their hair down and party ...

We are International! 8)

We are the most talked about Forum in Cyprus :shock:

And there is another one which somebody pointed out to me this morning, and guess what .. they are talking about us too! :lol:
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Postby CBBB » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:44 pm

Seeing as greggy is from Emba, I suspect he is a spy!
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Postby Svetlana » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:45 pm

Let me give you my view on CL: I was a member from its early days, and stayed for some years; Iknow a large number of its members. So I know it better than most.

It has changed; in its early days, it was very valuable as Cyprus based members were able to advise the many incomers, on life in Cyprus, what needed to be done and how to do it. Now, nearly all members live here or have Cyprus holiday homes, so it has changed into a kafeneio, as (Mainly) Paphos located Brits talk about local issues.

However, Rule 1 is you are never allowed to express a view contrary to Admins :-)

In contrast, CF is much more cosmopolitan; comprises people from many different backgrounds and nationalities and covers Cyprus wide topics, as well as some not related to Cyprus at all. It also tends to allow a fair degree of free speech, which can be fairly robust at times - particularly in CyProb.

BTW I am thinking of inviting Grim Reaper to handle PR issues on behalf of CF!

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Postby greggy » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:48 pm

Lana dont worry im not a spy, all of the forums are full of busy bodies and people who have nothing better to do with thier time. If it was constructive it would be okay but most of the time people are just spouting out shit. I prefer to be outdoors and enjoying life, rather than bitching about it from behind a monitor
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