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What Kind of People Become Soldiers? ....

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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:27 am

Oracle wrote:
purdey wrote:Rifle ranges and camo at schools. Are you referring to some of our long established private schools. The one's that provide the majority of entrants to Sandhurst. Army cadets, RAF cadets, Scouts, Boys Brigade have been around for a long time, there is nothing new there.

I am not concerned regarding its novelty; merely whether it is a tradition we wish to maintain?

The school I had in mind is a run-of-the-mill, fee-paying, academic-professing school and by no means a feeder for Sandhurst etc.

Yet the Army has a very strong presence in my opinion. Sometimes hiding behind the guise of the "Duke of Edinburgh Awards".

The CCF excite the kids with helicopter displays, and even offer rifle-shooting games to the prep-school at School Fetes.

One mother was horrified to find out her son had been given details (having had an interview with an officer during school time and without her knowledge), of how much money was on offer as a grant towards him studying medicine. The boy was only 14 and she had a hard time subsequently dissuading him with promises and assurances they could put him through Med school when the time came, and without him having to do some half-dozen years in the Army to pay it back.

But imagine a child whose parents could not afford to put them through University?

Is that sort of bribe / temptation fair?

Personally I think that the above mentioned recruitment is a good idea. Whether we are against war or not, there will always be the need for 'Medics' in the Armed forces. I am not only talking of weapon induced injuries. A few years in the army in the medical gorp and then the world is yours with your qualifications in the medical field.

Nothing wrong there. Also they need to motivate these young lads before they succumb to the realities of 'youth' today. IMHO ofcourse.
Last edited by denizaksulu on Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby purdey » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:28 am

Morning Bubbles.
As for serving Officers speaking to 14 year olds at school, permission is genrally given by the school and with the consent of parents, doing otherwise is illegal..
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:29 am

Nikitas wrote:Oracle said:

"It is a well known fact that the "shame" factor prevents report of this crime."

So how do you know that 25 per cent of all female recruits in the States have been raped if they are too ashamed to admi it?

I am not talking about suing a rapist, I am talking about suing his much richer employer who allowes rape to go on to such an extent that it becomes a tolerated situation, an can be reasonably interpreted as policy. Such cases have been succesufl in other venues in the states, where employers allowed harassment to occur.

The women may be too embarassed but some, a few, would not say no to a fe million dollars in damages I am sure.

You are trying to establish a non issue.There are nations that have no military traditions, Cyprus being a prime example, but which have a rich history of violence, Cyprus again being a good example. And there are nations that have a rich military tradition but have no violence to speak of, like Switzerland. The culture which influences the community will also influence its armed forces, so yobbery is common in all aspects of UK life, including the army, and not the other way around. Notice how in Cyprus there are contingents from various countries in the UNFICYP, but violent crimes tend to be carried out mostly by UK soldiers. This should tell you something.

Nikitas we were discussing the shame factor with regard to making the report of a rape public.

Data can be gathered sensitively. But you were saying if the problem was so great, there would be many litigations.

But most reports of rapes do not go that far and it is not because they do not happen or were falsified ... but because the next step after reporting rape takes on an inhibitory capacity.

You say Cyprus does not have a Military tradition .... is this tradition broken down because of forced Military Service? People see the reality and hence do not choose to make a career of it?

I think I said the Army culture reflects the Nation it represents, and I would not by any means assert that the ethics-prevalent in all Armies are the same.
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:59 am

Having met a few of Her Majesty's Forces since coming to Cyprus, I can honestly say that none of them appear to be potential 'killing machines' or 'rapists'

Some of them enlisted as it was 'the family thing' but others decided to join in order to have a good career and have the opportunity to travel. Some already had a career and wanted to enhance it further and the forces gave them this opportunity! I have not met anyone who chose their forces career as a last option. This must say something!

None of them enjoy doing 'tour of duties' either and as it can be so physically and mentally distressing they have RandR afterwards. Most are very proud to be in H.M.F. and enjoy doing their respective jobs and from what I have witnessed, execute them well. There is a lot of camaraderie which I believe you do not encounter in any other occupation

I do not think it is such a bad idea for the UK to have military training schools; it is a good way of standing you in stead for a good career should you chose to take that path! I do not agree with 'press-gang' tactics though! We attended many an 'open army day' and 'aircraft show' and neither of my children took any interest. Stronger characters? Perhaps!

Without reading this whole thread again; has anyone mentioned the volunteers - TA and RAF cadets and their potential roles?
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:05 am

Bring back national service !!
I'm too old it !!
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Postby purdey » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:06 am

Nobody has mentioned the TA in the thread. Genrally the forgotten side of the British Forces, but they stand side by side with the regulars, just as brave, just as commited.
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:21 am

miltiades wrote:Bring back national service !!
I'm too old it !!

Milt, I believe you were born old :wink:
Young at heart though eh? :wink:
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Postby SSBubbles » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:24 am

purdey wrote:Nobody has mentioned the TA in the thread. Genrally the forgotten side of the British Forces, but they stand side by side with the regulars, just as brave, just as commited.

Morning purdey

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Postby roseandchan » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:25 am

lots of people in the usa join up so as they can get free education. was told this by a member of the usaf.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:28 am

purdey wrote:Nobody has mentioned the TA in the thread. Genrally the forgotten side of the British Forces, but they stand side by side with the regulars, just as brave, just as commited.

BOF on page 9 ...
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