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What Kind of People Become Soldiers? ....

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Postby murf62 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:14 am

Oracle wrote:but maybe they do attract testosterone fueled younger men who perhaps have not developed the maturity to conduct themselves accordingly ...

Of the only 3 cases of sexual assault/rape accusation I can recall during my many years of service, 2 were senior NCOs and one was an officer. 2 were found guilty and discarged from the Army, then served civilian sentences just as anyone else would. One was found innocent, which was lucky because it turned out the girl that complained has done it before and was being pressured by her father, who had huge gambling debt,s to get compensation.

One of the above was a SSgt, who was reduced to the rank of Pte, served 2yrs at Colchester, discharged, then whatever civil action was dealt to him after that. He was 3 months away from finishing his 22yrs service so he lost his lump sum & pension as well. All that happened was that he went back to what he thought was his room, but was in fact the same room in an identical building to his own, got into what he thought was his bed and there was a girl in her bed. She screamed, he apologised & left. She complained the next day that she had been sexually assaulted.

Does this sound like the 'Old boys club' at work? The old boys club simply doesn't exist in the British Army, even less so that in civvy street. We are so politically correct it would astound you.
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Postby murf62 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:18 am

purdey wrote:Dressing down taken.
I cannot comment on US data, and I would be suprised if there are any serving or ex serving US milatary on forum. I have been on exercise in the past with US personnel but cannot comment on how their system works, and the problems they have.
I have never experienced any issues with rape whilst serving, and I had very little contact with female serving personnel. I am proud of my service, I am also proud of the men and women I served with aswell as serving members today. They, we do a very difficult job under difficult circumstances, complain rarely, and just get on with it.

Well said, I agree wholeheartedly. I will not comment on things I don't know anything about. I know nothing of the US recruiting policy, but I do know their Army doesn't function in the same way as ours in many ways.

Oracle, are the Cypriot & Greek armies the same? Do the statistics apply to them also?
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:24 am

murf62 wrote:
purdey wrote:Dressing down taken.
I cannot comment on US data, and I would be suprised if there are any serving or ex serving US milatary on forum. I have been on exercise in the past with US personnel but cannot comment on how their system works, and the problems they have.
I have never experienced any issues with rape whilst serving, and I had very little contact with female serving personnel. I am proud of my service, I am also proud of the men and women I served with aswell as serving members today. They, we do a very difficult job under difficult circumstances, complain rarely, and just get on with it.

Well said, I agree wholeheartedly. I will not comment on things I don't know anything about. I know nothing of the US recruiting policy, but I do know their Army doesn't function in the same way as ours in many ways.

Oracle, are the Cypriot & Greek armies the same? Do the statistics apply to them also?

Good point murf62 ... I imagine it boils down to what I was trying to get to the bottom of ...

Is there a difference between Careerist Army recruits and those forced to do Military Service?

Whilst Military Service would apply to all men .... irrespective of differences in temperament perhaps (a perceived notion, I agree) the Army as a CHOSEN career may attract a different sort altogether ... or not?
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Postby purdey » Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:46 am

Forgive me, but I thought you wanted to see what was under the carpet.
As for difference in choice and forced the answer is obvious !
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:45 am

purdey wrote:Forgive me, but I thought you wanted to see what was under the carpet.
As for difference in choice and forced the answer is obvious !

Obvious? .... How so?
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Postby murf62 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:03 pm

If you ran a company, would you rather have staff that applied for the jobs and do them willingly for the wage you pay them or would you rather have staff that were forced to work for you.

The British Army are among the best and most disciplined in the world because to a man, they are volunteers. We do not want pressed men, we do not want criminals (instead of prison, as some suggest). We recruit from society as a whole and I will admit, Infantry regiments will accept men who come from less fortunate backgrounds than some of us. However, even if we recruit at the 'lower ends' of society, we still do not get the scum. We get people who wish to make something of themselves. The scum are sat at home on the couch, watching their peers on Jeremy Kyle, in between making more babies to increase their benefit handouts.
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Postby Svetlana » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:26 pm

Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of various wars, invasions etc I have to say that I have every respect for the men and women who in active service, living and operating in uncomfortable conditions, who risk their lives on a daily basis. They certainly don't do it for significant financial reward.

Sadly, these days we make 'heroes' out of soccer players, singers and actors...

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Re: What Kind of People Become Soldiers? ....

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:48 pm

Sega wrote:
Oracle wrote:Sick, deranged killers or genuine do-gooders :roll:

What kind of person would volunteer and make a career of being a killing-machine :shock: ..... I mean soldier? :D

It all depends on the person. Some families take pride in joining the army, particularly when they have a long-line of family war heroes, or great soldiers. However, it's not popular to become a soldier in today's world, many soldiers regret the move and decide to retire early. If you think about it once you sign on, you are property of any government wars/invations, even if you do not agree with them.

Further to the above, it was a honour to 'be a soldier' to 'defend' your country against the 'enemy'. Nowadays its for fighting other peoples war or keeping the world oil prices down.

As A carrier builder, the training opportunities are great. If after joining the army you end up in Electronics, mechanics, building etc, you have a future on leaving the army as the training you would have received would be excellent in civvy street. Providing you are not work shy. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:50 pm

Oracle wrote:Well that is mighty big of you Richard dear :wink: ... so let's see if we can't turn this into a profitable, learning-from, kind-of-thread :D ....

There is a lot of evidence to suggest career-Soldiers are more likely to rape and abuse ... discuss!


Where is the evidence? and dont talk Turkey as they are not career soldiers. :twisted:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:24 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:Well that is mighty big of you Richard dear :wink: ... so let's see if we can't turn this into a profitable, learning-from, kind-of-thread :D ....

There is a lot of evidence to suggest career-Soldiers are more likely to rape and abuse ... discuss!


Where is the evidence? and dont talk Turkey as they are not career soldiers. :twisted:

Over the page Deniz, supplied under duress as I was inviting Richard just to discuss first to get an idea of perceptions .... :roll:
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