Feisty wrote:I'm sure you'll be able to attend court when the evidence is presented.
That is of course if you're not rotting in some English jail because you carried out your very public threats against Conor.
One doesn't "ROT" in English jails these days my dear I think your mind is stuck in the Mediaeval period, one could easily suffer such a fate in those days, actually the jails of today are so comfortable that criminals no longer fear incarceration and in some cases are treated better inside than out.
In the days when "Trials by Ordeal" were the means used to determine innocence or guilt, perhaps the tongue of Conor might not have fared so well under the application of a red hot poker placed upon it.
If in those days he tried to disrupt the business of an enterprising and honest man with his verbal abuse and insulting remarks to another's father, if he followed up with a sleep rough campaign in the heart of the city, I think the red hot poker would be applied to the other end of this vile creature's anatomy, together with the rear ends of those foolishly persuaded enough by his obvious deceit to take up his questionable cause. IMHO (Well I'll be dogged !).