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Marios Christoforos Karayiannas

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Postby RichardB » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:58 pm

CBBB wrote:I thought Feisty was his sleeping bag!

Sharp CBBB- Very Sharp :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:59 pm

Good of you to look in and drop some more shit IMHO

Conor wrote:
But remember it’s always wise when buying property in Cyprus to check that the land is not mortgaged already.

Do you mean like this sort of stuff ...

BBC wrote:Watchdog cracks down on brokers

The Financial Services Authority has been cracking down on mortgage fraud
Three brokers have been banned in a week by the Financial Services Authority as it continues a crackdown.

Sadia Nasir, a director at London Mortgage and Financial Services, was the first broker to be banned and fined for submitting fraudulent applications.

Robin Knox, director at Darlington firm Mortgage and Property Services Limited, was banned and fined over the way the company recommended sub-prime loans.

A former shares broker has also banned in the past week.

Thirteen mortgage brokers have now been banned by the FSA this year which is conducting a high-profile clampdown.

'Serious and blatant'

Ms Nasir's firm traded as House of Finance.

Perpetrators will increasingly find themselves facing bans, heavier fines and having to disgorge illicit fines

The FSA said that she submitted seven mortgage applications containing false information about her employment and earnings which were supported by falsified documents.

In four cases she entered her own bank account details on clients' mortgage applications and the FSA said she withheld information from its investigators.

"Ms Nasir's actions were particularly serious and blatant, and she poses an immediate risk to lenders," said Margaret Cole, director of enforcement at the FSA.

As well as banning Ms Nasir, the watchdog fined her £129,000 - which it hoped would act as a deterrent and claw back any illicit profits.

Ms Cole said the case was an example of how the FSA would "intensify" its crackdown on mortgage fraud.

"Perpetrators will increasingly find themselves facing bans, heavier fines and having to disgorge illicit fines," she said.

'Unsuitable advice'

In an unrelated case, mortgage broker Robin Knox, who is based in the North East of England, was banned after the FSA found he had exposed 500 customers to the risk of receiving unsuitable advice.

Mr Knox, managing director of Mortgage and Property Services Limited, was also fined £17,500.

The FSA said the firm's advisers recommended unsuitable mortgage contracts to customers, such as sub-prime deals when mainstream mortgages were available.

Mr Knox also failed to ensure that the levels of fees were made clear to customers.

"We are continuing to find instances where mortgage brokers are unwilling or unable to maintain the standards we require," said Jonathan Phelan, of the FSA.

The watchdog has also taken action against a former shares broker for selling high-risk shares to customers without their consent and using "unacceptable" sales tactics.

Baljit Somal, who was employed by Square Mile Securities Limited from October 2002 to September 2007, was banned and fined £16,000.

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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:30 pm

If Conor does sleep in a bag, I hope it is well waterproofed, the Queen's horses don't mess about when they go for a Jimmy Riddle !. :lol: :lol: IMHO (well I'll be dogged !).
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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:34 pm

miltiades wrote:I have purchased in total 3 apartments in Cyprus as well as helping to purchase the house that my daughter and family are currently residing having moved in after 4 years of building .
I have never , not on one single occasion experienced any problems what so ever either with builders or vendors .I have used one solicitor in all cases and I'm thoroughly satisfied with all involved.

Having had time to study carefully the Conor case I have reached the conclusion that Mr. Conor's objective right now is not to obtain " justice " but to obtain as much financial benefit as possible. I think that he has exhausted all legal means available to him and has focused entirely on his personal crusade against the developers.
It is my opinion that Mr Conor ought to aim for his full deposit to be returned and nothing more .
The developers are highly unlikely to either decline to do so or to offer any type of "compensation" since their position is clear as per their affidavit .
Mr Connor's' "attack" on Cyprus is grossly unfair since his complain is with the said developers and not with the entire Cypriot nation whose name he is currently busy defaming.

Bravo Miltiades, I am sure there will be few who would contradict the above statement. :)
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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:42 pm


Probably because the Moderator recognises the fact that your whole story is a load of old bollocks !. IMHO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:50 pm

I really dont think Conor intended to attack "Cyprus" and the Cypriot people, yes i agree calling a website "Shame on Cyprus" was probably not his best idea. But give the poor bloke a break! We need people like him to let the world know of dodgy developers! There's good & bad people all over the world and they should be named and shamed! (if they deserve it):roll: :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:00 pm

In my humble opinion I have never seen the simple IMHO used more entertainingly than in Maynard's hands ... IMHO :lol: (well I'll be dogged!) ... very funny ... keep it up M23 :wink:
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Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:08 pm

M23? From Croydon to Brighton via Gatwick?

Why are you supporting this road? It just brings more tourists and people who have bought property while on a two week holiday then get upset because they can't sign on!
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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:26 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:I really dont think Conor intended to attack "Cyprus" and the Cypriot people, yes i agree calling a website "Shame on Cyprus" was probably not his best idea. But give the poor bloke a break! We need people like him to let the world know of dodgy developers! There's good & bad people all over the world and they should be named and shamed! (if they deserve it):roll: :roll:

Your having a laugh mate, Conor has condemned everything about Cyprus, his spiteful little campaign has attracted the support of a load of brain dead wallies and he thinks he is in a bargaining position because of it.
The idiot tried to capitalize on the increasing prices of property in Cyprus BEFORE he had paid for the house he was buying, got abusive, came unstuck, got even more abusive, got the good hiding he was looking for and has since made a complete mug of himself and his posse of lowlife losers.
I think the truth of the matter is that Conor tried to get too smart with people who are a lot smarter than he gave them credit for.
He deserved his good hiding on account of his abusive and insulting language, he deserves an even better one for what he is now attempting to do to the image of Cyprus, play with fire, burn fingers. IMHO.(well I'll be dogged !) :roll:
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Postby Damsi » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:17 am

I've tried to put together some actual facts about this case based on the evidence that's out there. The following points give some of the basics

1. Conor agreed to purchase a house because it was a good deal considering the privacy offered under the plans he was initially shown

2. On a visit to the site with karayiannis he saw that instead of low bungalows as per the plan, two-story houses were being built that took away that privacy.

3. He told karayiannis at the time who started telling him that the house had already jumped some 30,000 in value and that more “private” villas cost 300,000 (audio tape)

4. Conor and his wife were upset over the loss of privacy and so they agreed with karayiannis that Conor would send them some proposals for a solution (audio tape)

5. He sent four options, one of which was that the developer would “build the same house” at a different location (email)

6. karayiannis clearly took this to mean Conor was asking for a 300,000 house ie more privacy, and couldn’t figure out why conor was upset over people looking into the garden and because as far as he was concerned the changes were not being made on Conor’s plot, so no contract breach (tape)

7. A second option Conor gave was that Karayianis would buy them out - as the developer himself proposed on the tape - but this would leave Conor out of pocket, as clearly house prices had risen since he signed his contract and it would cost much more to buy a new property, No amounts of money were mentioned in the email.

8. If he returned Conor all his money karayiannis could conceivably sell the same house for 180,000, according to his own estimates (tape)

9. With the 4 options letter being ignored Conor came out to Cyprus and the upshot was he told Karayiannis he and his wife would take the house anyway but were not happy about it. He also told them he would pretty much tell everyone how karayiannis does business and how they had lied to him, on a new website . This was on Tuesday March 7, 2006 (tape) The website thing obviously pissed them off big time

10. Two days later Conor got a letter from Pittadjis law firm telling him he had not paid two instalments, one for 26,000, which was in fact paid because the scanned receipt is on the website. The other was for 52,000

11. It is rather strange to ask for two installments because if the first (26,000) was not paid, then canceling the contract would have been valid at that point. Why raise the issue of a second installment if you have not even received the previous one that was due?

12. The letter also states Karayiannis were canceling the contract because of the alleged non payment and because Conor was defaming them

13. They would also be keeping ALL his money for damages, the (scanned) letter said

14. A month later Pittadjis lawyers sent a second letter repeating the cancellation, adding: “Even for any reason at the end of the day they had no legal grounds to cancel it, due to your behaviour, they do not want you on their property and are not willing to complete the house and deliver it to you’.

15. The letter, also scanned on the website prompts the question ‘why mention the possibility of having “no legal grounds” if you know you are in the right legally?

16. The assaults. On the first one I don’t have details only that the case was dropped because Conor didn’t show up in court. He has said this was because he was told by his lawyers it would not be heard on that day and told not to bother coming over

17. The second assault. The father and son were arrested and charged, which clearly means the police had enough evidence to press charges. (public record)

18. The day after they were released Pittadjis lawyers dropped them like a hot potato as clients (public record) and they moved on to Klydes, which issued a statement on behalf of karayiannis (public record)

19. The statement says Conor did not raise the issue of privacy of the house until after the cancellation. This is clearly not true. The very first tape shows Conor raised the issue immediately after visiting the site with karayiannis, just before they agreed to discuss alternative options

The evidence therefore shows that karayiannis lied twice so far. Once about the instalment that was in fact paid, and second that Conor only complained about the privacy issue after the contract was cancelled. I have no idea if Conor asked for shit loads of money. He might have, and if he did, he obviously shouldn't have but totally dismissing his grievance to take the side of the developers without questioning them at all is exactly what people like Feisty are being accused of when they try to put forward Conor's side of the story.
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