Feisty wrote:Oracle wrote:Wrong Feisty!
The questions I have been asking, which have been getting ignored, are precisely ones not on his website, because it seems to me, he may not want us to know the answers ...
Keep covering up Feisty because in my opinion, you only came on this forum to help him out

You obviously need glasses then Oracle because, from memory, one of the question you asked of him was what he did for a living. It's there for anyone to see who opens their eyes.
Well this is the problem with you being his representative .. the middle man, his PR whatever I do not know your assigned role.
I don't give a monkeys what he does for a living, as far as I recall he has made this his life's work, drawing money from various sources I think and so he does not seem to need conventional paid employment based on snippets I have seen, that is the impression I have gained.
I have precise questions which he continues to dodge perhaps sending you in as his decoy, PR or time waster, I don't know, but you sure are wasting my time ..
I don't know your reasons for supporting him and I am not asking
you because
I am not interested.
I no longer believe anything coming out of the Conor camp and I am entitled to my forum opinion on the matter, since he chose to involve us on this Forum.
The only reason I have
any concern in what Conor does and will continue to do so ... is because I believe he is out to defame Cyprus from what I can make out with the stuff he presents .. to shame Cyprus with his views and that website etc ... IMO.
I don't care about his little gripe over a few thousand pounds or whatever it might be, with Karayiannis. From what I have seen the builder has a strong case and justice will be served for the two of them I am sure.
But IMO, if Conor continues to try and shame Cyprus, perhaps try and blackmail Cyprus .... I will continue to counter him on this matter, and so will others I am sure.
He can dodge my questions. I have no problem with him not answering, that is his right.
But Feisty, kindly desist from constantly butting in with your perceptions. I am not interested in
your views no matter how much you wish to involve yourself in mine.
I do not have a problem with you Feisty because you are not out to shame Cyprus from what I can tell.
If you have personal builder/lawyer gripes or whatever .. go and sort them out, I am really not interested.
So Conor .... are you trying to shame my Island?