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Marios Christoforos Karayiannas

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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:08 pm

Feisty wrote:And while you're at it, why don't you and Maynard offer your services to the Cypriot Law system and then all the prisons and courts can be emptied as it would appear that one word from the defendant saying he's innocent is enough for you two to declare them innocent of all charges, even to make victims of them, and set them free, without even seeing the evidence. No need for there ever to be another case heard in court.
Rapists, murders and all other criminals will pronounce you heroes overnight.
What the victims and their families will call you however would remain to be seen.

A bit like you. It appears that one word from Connor, without seeing the other side to the story, has convinced you that Karragiannis is guilty.

Karagiannis, has a particularly strong case, and if his name is cleared, then Conor better make sure he has the best lawyers, because Karagiannis is surely to go after him for loss of revenue and defamation of character.

If you do not think Karagiannis has a strong defence, then have another read of his affidavit.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:55 pm

I've read the affadavit but can say that it is full of lies as I've seen the evidence to the contrary.

I've seen the receipt of the payment that he says wasn't paid.

I, unklike others on this forum, support Conor because the system is corrupt and because I have seen it in action. I am involved in a court action because of it.

I have not however decided on the outcome of a case that has yet to be heard by the courts.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:57 pm

Oracle wrote:Wrong Feisty!

The questions I have been asking, which have been getting ignored, are precisely ones not on his website, because it seems to me, he may not want us to know the answers ...

Keep covering up Feisty because in my opinion, you only came on this forum to help him out :roll:

You obviously need glasses then Oracle because, from memory, one of the question you asked of him was what he did for a living. It's there for anyone to see who opens their eyes.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:00 pm

The following was posted on another site by a Cypriot Estate Agent.

conner as you have noticed i am in estate agency in cyprus i would not do business with quite a few of the developers and certainly not the slimeballs you are having the problem with.

Estate agents should do more checks on companies that are building and developers should only be able to sell their projects via licenced estate agents.

i have a lot of competors who also agree with me.

im not saying that this would solve all problems but i think it would be a step in the right direction.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:33 pm

And this was another post which speaks loads of sense.
This forum lets itself down with people preferrring to throw abuse and insults rather than to debate.

Lyndy-Lou's hubby, sorry but you didn't mention your name? I think your confusing Conor's situation by labelling it as a problem with his developer. It is not.

We too are victims of a bad property purchase. Yes, our developers were out to dupe us but so were numerous others in professional positions, including our ex lawyer. No it doesn't only happen in Cyprus but the crux of the matter is that Cyprus government are aware of the growing deception cases but prefer not to act, yet tries to promote that their legal system is fair and so like the UK. It is not. Those that have to fight, like us, come up against a brick wall with barristers and lawyers refusing to sue, bar assoc. refusing to act and I could go on and on.

There will always be bad developers, lawyers, estate agents (regardless of country of origin) and they will always play the system, however, the buck stops with the government and their lack of action that is damaging the confidence of perspective buyers. Thankfully, these cases are the minority but even a minority of cases can be avoided by plugging the loops in the legal system, tightening up laws and bringing to justice those who do commit fraud. Fear of swift and harsh court action can go a long way to stopping these shameful practices.

I, by no means, wish to put people off by purchasing in Cyprus and it would not put me off purchasing again here. We have purchased, are very happy here and love our life style. My advice to purchasers who want to be in the majority category of stress free sales is to use information from excellent boards like this, be guided through the buying process and don't be afraid to ask for advice.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:15 pm

Feisty wrote:
Oracle wrote:Wrong Feisty!

The questions I have been asking, which have been getting ignored, are precisely ones not on his website, because it seems to me, he may not want us to know the answers ...

Keep covering up Feisty because in my opinion, you only came on this forum to help him out :roll:

You obviously need glasses then Oracle because, from memory, one of the question you asked of him was what he did for a living. It's there for anyone to see who opens their eyes.

Well this is the problem with you being his representative .. the middle man, his PR whatever I do not know your assigned role.

I don't give a monkeys what he does for a living, as far as I recall he has made this his life's work, drawing money from various sources I think and so he does not seem to need conventional paid employment based on snippets I have seen, that is the impression I have gained.

I have precise questions which he continues to dodge perhaps sending you in as his decoy, PR or time waster, I don't know, but you sure are wasting my time ..

I don't know your reasons for supporting him and I am not asking you because I am not interested.

I no longer believe anything coming out of the Conor camp and I am entitled to my forum opinion on the matter, since he chose to involve us on this Forum.

The only reason I have any concern in what Conor does and will continue to do so ... is because I believe he is out to defame Cyprus from what I can make out with the stuff he presents .. to shame Cyprus with his views and that website etc ... IMO.

I don't care about his little gripe over a few thousand pounds or whatever it might be, with Karayiannis. From what I have seen the builder has a strong case and justice will be served for the two of them I am sure.

But IMO, if Conor continues to try and shame Cyprus, perhaps try and blackmail Cyprus .... I will continue to counter him on this matter, and so will others I am sure.

He can dodge my questions. I have no problem with him not answering, that is his right.

But Feisty, kindly desist from constantly butting in with your perceptions. I am not interested in your views no matter how much you wish to involve yourself in mine.

I do not have a problem with you Feisty because you are not out to shame Cyprus from what I can tell.

If you have personal builder/lawyer gripes or whatever .. go and sort them out, I am really not interested.

So Conor .... are you trying to shame my Island?
Last edited by Oracle on Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:20 pm

Well I can tell you Oracle that Cyprus is shamed by allowing these corrupt practices to carry on so I will continue to offer my opinion just as you do.

Don't tell me not to post because I am just entitled to give my opinion as you are to give your assumed presumptions. You keep saying what you presume and assume, you obviously don't know the old proverb about the word assume
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:21 pm

Oracle you just show your ignorance thinking blindly that the developer has a strong defence when he presents no evidence to support it.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:25 pm

Feisty I am not telling you what you should think ... so kindly don't tell me what I should think.

This is an opinion forum and we are all entitled to our opinions. I am not interested in yours, and I would prefer it if you were not so interested in mine!

I did not tell you not to post .. I told you not to give me your opinions when I am asking someone else!

Neither the builder nor Conor need to show as any evidence .. we are not a court of law.

I am only interested in what Conor says about Cyprus.
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Postby Feisty » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:34 pm

Ok you want to know what Conor says about Cyprus.

I think it's quite clear what he's saying.

I'm saying it's disgusting that Cyprus still allows it's laws to be broken and not do anything about it and to that it is Shame on Cyprus and it's President, Ministers and Government for allowing corrupt practices to continue and not doing anything about it. If the law is not their concern then what are they there for?
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