purdey wrote:There are many people out there Phoenix who have been victims of bullying. I believe and I think figures show the "Bullied" genrally keep quiet, they tend to hide themselves away, not admitting they are been bullied.
Purdey I am not referring to
genuine victims, I have often used my verbal skills in younger days gone by

to fight their corners.
It's just through past naivety, and naturally maternal instincts, I have been hijacked by passive aggressives. I tend to identify them more readily now, and they get short thrift. But they are good at clinging on for fights
I'm small and was picked on many times, unsuccessfully

I learnt to think on the spot and got interested in behaviour and body language as tools to use in survival skills. I was an avid reader of D. Morris, Konrad Lorenz etc from very young.
We are just "clever" animals after all .....