Magnus wrote: I see it as something that all living things have regardless of whether they are religious.
Let's get some idea of limits if there be any.
I guess you would happily go down through all the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, maybe Fish?
Are you still happy assigning a soul to a fish?
Then let us carry on ...
A Sponge? ... Yeast, Hydra, Amoebae maybe? Still happy with a unicellular organism having a soul?
How about we transcend into the Kingdom of the Prokaryotes ... the everlasting, eternal Bacteria ... Yum!
Magnus does
Vibrio cholera have a soul?
It is living "breathing" (certainly respiring!). It has been around (or its close relatives at least) for millions of years longer than us! It should have certainly evolved a soul by now if a soul was essential to
Can one survive without a soul?
Let us push further "down" to Viruses. So highly-evolved, such perfect replicators,

they have done away with everything except their nucleic acids and some protein.
So does the humble Chicken Pox virus have room for a soul if it can be synthesised virtually from scratch in a lab?
Persisting in our quest to get to the very foundations of the emergence of a soul ... we meet the perfect Prion!
Yes Mad Cow disease (or even vCJD) ... so highly evolved it sabotages the replicators of
other cells to make more
copies of itself.
protein now dear Magnus.

But able to "reproduce" hence living still, perhaps? Agreed?
Where would it house a soul when it is pure protein ? .... and only
One at that.
Shall we jump to the Plant Kingdom? ... I know from my own research they have many similarities, even to us ... they even possess stomata and love sugar

Why should they be deprived of a soul if they were freely available to other Earthling life forms?
And what of those poor creatures we currently clone? Do they share a soul with their clone?
Have I reduced this to
absurdium .....
I believe you can handle it Magnus.