by gabaston » Mon May 09, 2005 1:09 pm
I thank you for agreement in the K events, and also thank you for not claiming that I have exaggerated it. I too have heard of the given excuses and if they are true then they are just as lunatic fanatic as your right wing. I appreciate your honesty in this matter.
I now read that Papadop claims that between 63 and 74 no tcs were killed, and so (irrespective of whatever lies our politicians claim) what is going on?
Additionally other double standards confuse me with regard the recent Homes Trials.
I know of one tc who has had 400 houses built on her land in the south, and she cant get that to court. I mean lets be honest ok they can claim that it takes time, but I cant see Gc govt demolishing these homes…..can you?
I don’t claim to have a solution other than that which evolution itself can give to us through our children and their children, whereby for reasons of economy or social betterment we can evolve into one people.
Like marriage is based on two person’s love for each other, not two people who have over-come hatred for each other.
The attitudes of the present generation has changed from that of the sixties, regarding Enosis etc, but I cant help feeling that is a result of the TA, and I can understand your disgust or disapproval of their presence, but as far as I understand they are the determining factor for that changed that attitude, at least more so than any change in attitude towards Tc’s.
I commend and congratulate the advancements in your social and economic standards of living, and long may it continue to improve.
With regards a solution, I can only see more trouble ahead if we now all go back to pre 74, or even pre 63, and I think you understand what I mean by pre 63.
I propose no permanent solution for now, I’m afraid that is too long sighted. I would love to see a situation where my daughter and her boyfriend can be in Cyprus without being one thing or the other, and without being embarrassed by some dropped comment or slogan, and also where I can live with my greek friends without similar.
The only solution I can see for now is one based on areas where both parties are free to live and work. Some talk of bi-zonal or bi-communal, as long as it provides safe havens for both communities, with equal opportunity, that’s fine by me. From here we may build up trust, business etc. From there maybe we can start making neutral areas (maybe not realistic, but a thought) where we can further improve relations, and hopefully through the generations eventually one day a Cypriot people will emerge. However I don’t think we are quite ready for that now.
Regards refugees as I have said it makes far greater economic sense for Turkey to compensate in a one-off payment (or even instalments) than to maintain Nc’s economy and 30,000 troops, into never-never land. This to be assessed in view of fair land swaps.
I have no desire to see a permanent separation, and miss out on the cultural, social and economic benefits I exchange with my many, many greek friends and associates and even probable future family members.
I know this has been another essay and may have even somewhat evaded your question, but after forty years I don’t think the problem can be solved with one simple answer, and believe that there are still many more chapters of Cypriot history still to be written, hopefully with a happy ending.
So I guess your next question will be:
Do you think that 200, 000 refugees is a happy ending? The answer to that is obvious.