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Shame On Cyprus / Sleeping Rough for Justice

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Postby roseandchan » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:01 am

it is a shame that there have been so many problems both in the north and south with house purchases. it does nothing for the island and both goverments need to address problems. the uk goverment just passed the buck in the orams case as far as i can tell, which is wrong. so conor don't expect any help from them. take up your issues with the e.u.courts. i do also think that when brits buy here ,they tend to leave their brains behind in the uk,in lots of cases it is not always the developers fault.
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Postby purdey » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:27 am

It's the sun Rose, but in all honesty problems with buying property in the South are very rare. The vast majority get what they pay for and are happy with their lot.
Conor has obviously had a problem, and from reading through his site seems to be adamant he has been ripped off. IMO Conor has commited the cardinal sin, one by losing his temper and two by tarring all with the same brush.
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:38 am

Piratis wrote:
Conor wrote:Piratis,

I have approved your comment. I didn't see that you had chopped off the bit about Apostolides VS Orams.

I will gladly link to this forum in the morning. That is an oversight. I really want all Brits to know the true feelings of some Cypriots. We are all pumped up with "Aphrodite the goddess of love". Comments from Oracle who within 10 minutes of hearing of my families distress called me a "Selfish scumbag!" are important to address the balance.

Its important to know that Cyprus is a war torn Island and every issue including me loosing my house, me getting beaten in front of a village of Frenaros, the local police not wanting to investigate - all goes back to the 1974 Invasion. You will never see the parallels in what your Lawyers, Developers and estate agents do EVERYDAY.

There you got me talking about the issue now high jack this thread and tell me of the battles you have given up on in the past and what YOU are doing about it now.

I don't have time to answer all your questions but let me try once more
Question 1) Apostolides VS Orams case - nothing to do with me. Cyprus is becoming known as an "island of fraud" and "your corrupt authorities" is accurate in my case.

Question 2) I don't expect "ministers to personally deal with your case" ministers have been promising this for over a year. I expect Paralimni CID to appoint an officer who doesn't live in the same village as Karayiannas to investigate. TOO MUCH TO ASK?
Oracle wrote:before he would do what most people would do and wait for justice to grind its wheels...

Justice didn't grind its wheels in the bar brawl case that happened two weeks after I was hospitalized did it. That bar owner now wants £4 million pounds from the British authorities. I think the wheels or palms of justice were well greased to get that case in court before my perpetrators are even leaned on.

Question 3) Isn't worthy of an answer.

Lets face it Piratis, your not my target audience. Your not a property buyer from a foreign land. If you condone Karayiannas actions or think I'm an extortionist your as pathetic as Oracle and Maynard23.

Thanks for approving the comment. Interesting that no comment was made in that post for a week but immediately after my comment 2 more comments magically appeared in your support.

The reason I gave to you the Apostolides VS Orams case is not to imply that your case has somehting to do with that, or the invasion of 1974. Try to read more carefully what I say. What I said is that in the UK the system is so corrupt that even your own Prime Minister through his wife is defending British criminals. Maybe your system is fair to you, I don't know. But to us it is definitely not fair at all and apparently chooses to protect British criminals instead of serving justice in favor of the Cypriot victims.

About Karayianas the only thing that I said is that his side is not represented here or in your websites. Just this simple fact, nothing more. I am not here to defend Karayiannas or any other individual.

But your new website is an attack on Cyprus as whole, with racist generalizations such as "the island of fraud", and I have every right to defend my country from such racist comments.

Question 3) Isn't worthy of an answer.

Ok, if you don't want to answer no problem.

Well it seems my comment has'nt been approved :cry:
I guess I didnt toe the party line so Pirates will be the only voice in the wilderness

Still no link to CF

Good morning all

Back to work now
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Re: Shame On Cyprus / Sleeping Rough for Justice

Postby Conor » Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:51 pm

RichardB wrote: Still no link to CF

Conor wrote:Our local papers are interviewing us tomorrow for a Thursday print...

Little busy with the Press at the moment I'm only 1 man and not the IT expert you may think.
In the mean time use this forum for your diarrhea.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:09 pm


Thousands of people buy property in Cyprus with absolutely no issue at all. Cyprus is a very hospitable country and is open and transparent to overseas investment, in either property or other business dealings.

I can not comment on whether your claims are legitimate or not, but I can not help but think that you are only providing the one side to this sorry story. If we new all the facts, then it may be easier to pass judgement as to who is at fault in this saga. The mere fact that the Cyprus Judicial System and Police have taken little action as perceived by yourself, may be as a result of your claims not being as clear cut as you are portraying. If in fact you have been wronged, I have no doubt that your case will be heard in a court of law, and justice will be served. Unfortunately, it is a well known fact that judicial systems around the world, can be slow and a great deal of patience and perseverance is required for legal proceedings to commence.

However, your slandering of The Republic of Cyprus, it's President and politicians, The Cyprus Police and Judicial System, and The Cyprus Real Estate and Property Development industry and your over generalisations about Cyprus and it's people, will definitely not win you any friends or sympathy. Your websites does nothing but portray a very negative image of Cyprus and Cypriots as a whole and is unjustified, even if you have been wronged. Your vigil outside The Cyprus Consulate in London also does nothing but sling mud at a tiny nation which is dealing with much more serious issues, one being the property issues of 200,000 refugees. You would definitely have been better advised pursuing all legal avenues as deemed necessary by your Lawyers to further your claims in a civil and proper manner. Your current actions only serve to damage your own reputation and standing.

Your refusal to do this seems to outline that your case is much more complicated than what you have indicated. You portray yourself as the victim and Karayiannis as the unscrupulous property dealer, but the way you have handled your self, seems to indicate otherwise IMHO.
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Re: Shame On Cyprus / Sleeping Rough for Justice

Postby boomerang » Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:10 pm

Conor wrote:
RichardB wrote: Still no link to CF

Conor wrote:Our local papers are interviewing us tomorrow for a Thursday print...

Little busy with the Press at the moment I'm only 1 man and not the IT expert you may think.
In the mean time use this forum for your diarrhea.

Connor in many countries taping someone without their prior knowledge/consent is an illegal act and it could be used against you...Even the police needs a warrant from a magistrate...

I am very surprised your attorney
1...Did not inform you
2...Allowed you to air your grievances in an open forum.

If you lose the case you are opened for litigation...furthering more loses.

You mind telling me the builders track record?
Last edited by boomerang on Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:32 pm

Not mentioning you just opened a whole can of worms by inviting every builder to sue you for slander for any loss of business...

Your attorney again didn't give you proper advice...or you refused their advice...
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:05 pm

cyprusgeoff wrote:Perhaps the site will get things noticed? what are you so worried about?

Afraid the truth be told probably.

Or are you related to some of the thugs that attacked Conor or some of the crooked developers and builders?

This site is open for litigation by every bulider and his dog...Try thinking with your head and not your ass for a change as this is now on public record...

If I was a repudable builder I would be suing your ass for your previous wrongful advice and action...

Geoff what you said is now locked away in this forum and it could be used in a court of law...Now watch Geoff piss and shit his pants as he disappears from the forum...what a moron...

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Postby Feisty » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:19 pm

Conor is only open to litigation if what he says is not true and IT IS.
He didn't beat himself up did he?
Last edited by Feisty on Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Feisty » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:22 pm

Maynard23 wrote:Oh, why don't you just come clean and admit that you are after money Conor, do you think everyone is as goofy as that crowd of lowlifes you had stacked up at the Alexandra Palace when you made your last protest.
Give us all a treat and use some of the bad language you used to the respectable lawyer you insulted PLUS, a little of what you called the staff in the developers office AND the language you used before you were duffed up by those who could no longer put up with your abuse. :lol:

Would that be the same respectable lawyer who has cost me CYP£125? Mainly by withdrawing a contract of purchase from the Land Registry speciafically against my instructions.
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