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Shame On Cyprus / Sleeping Rough for Justice

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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:54 pm

In my humble opinion having seen more of your claims, I still think you are a selfish IMHO

If you don't like opinions maybe the forum is not for you, as that is what the forum is for ... gathering opinions ... so kindly do not attempt to threaten me again please!

Also, don't PM me again!

Good luck Conor :lol:

BTW .. if you stick it out till October, I may come and give you a "Penny for the Guy" .... :lol:
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Postby Maynard23 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:56 pm

Oh, why don't you just come clean and admit that you are after money Conor, do you think everyone is as goofy as that crowd of lowlifes you had stacked up at the Alexandra Palace when you made your last protest.
Give us all a treat and use some of the bad language you used to the respectable lawyer you insulted PLUS, a little of what you called the staff in the developers office AND the language you used before you were duffed up by those who could no longer put up with your abuse. :lol:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:37 pm

Firstly Maynard get a life!! Everyone on this forum is entitled to their say! Who made you God???

Good luck Conor! I'm right behind you. Just ignore some of the other idiots on this site. I would do exactly the same if i were in your shoes. I thinks its great what you are doing and at least it makes people aware not to use those scumbags!
I shall pass your message on to everyone i know. Good luck mate, :-)
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Postby Maynard23 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:43 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Firstly Maynard get a life!! Everyone on this forum is entitled to their say! Who made you God???

Good luck Conor! I'm right behind you. Just ignore some of the other idiots on this site. I would do exactly the same if i were in your shoes. I thinks its great what you are doing and at least it makes people aware not to use those scumbags!
I shall pass your message on to everyone i know. Good luck mate, :-)

That's it, join the flock of idiots who can't see further than the end of there noses, Baa Baa Baa :lol:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:56 pm

Well you obviously think whats happened is fine, how would you feel if it happened to you?! You've got your opinion and i have mine!! Baa Baa Baa to you!!
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:01 pm

Conor wrote:Piratis,

I have approved your comment. I didn't see that you had chopped off the bit about Apostolides VS Orams.

I will gladly link to this forum in the morning. That is an oversight. I really want all Brits to know the true feelings of some Cypriots. We are all pumped up with "Aphrodite the goddess of love". Comments from Oracle who within 10 minutes of hearing of my families distress called me a "Selfish scumbag!" are important to address the balance.

Its important to know that Cyprus is a war torn Island and every issue including me loosing my house, me getting beaten in front of a village of Frenaros, the local police not wanting to investigate - all goes back to the 1974 Invasion. You will never see the parallels in what your Lawyers, Developers and estate agents do EVERYDAY.

There you got me talking about the issue now high jack this thread and tell me of the battles you have given up on in the past and what YOU are doing about it now.

I don't have time to answer all your questions but let me try once more
Question 1) Apostolides VS Orams case - nothing to do with me. Cyprus is becoming known as an "island of fraud" and "your corrupt authorities" is accurate in my case.

Question 2) I don't expect "ministers to personally deal with your case" ministers have been promising this for over a year. I expect Paralimni CID to appoint an officer who doesn't live in the same village as Karayiannas to investigate. TOO MUCH TO ASK?
Oracle wrote:before he would do what most people would do and wait for justice to grind its wheels...

Justice didn't grind its wheels in the bar brawl case that happened two weeks after I was hospitalized did it. That bar owner now wants £4 million pounds from the British authorities. I think the wheels or palms of justice were well greased to get that case in court before my perpetrators are even leaned on.

Question 3) Isn't worthy of an answer.

Lets face it Piratis, your not my target audience. Your not a property buyer from a foreign land. If you condone Karayiannas actions or think I'm an extortionist your as pathetic as Oracle and Maynard23.

Thanks for approving the comment. Interesting that no comment was made in that post for a week but immediately after my comment 2 more comments magically appeared in your support.

The reason I gave to you the Apostolides VS Orams case is not to imply that your case has somehting to do with that, or the invasion of 1974. Try to read more carefully what I say. What I said is that in the UK the system is so corrupt that even your own Prime Minister through his wife is defending British criminals. Maybe your system is fair to you, I don't know. But to us it is definitely not fair at all and apparently chooses to protect British criminals instead of serving justice in favor of the Cypriot victims.

About Karayianas the only thing that I said is that his side is not represented here or in your websites. Just this simple fact, nothing more. I am not here to defend Karayiannas or any other individual.

But your new website is an attack on Cyprus as whole, with racist generalizations such as "the island of fraud", and I have every right to defend my country from such racist comments.

Question 3) Isn't worthy of an answer.

Ok, if you don't want to answer no problem.
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Postby Maynard23 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:16 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Well you obviously think whats happened is fine, how would you feel if it happened to you?! You've got your opinion and i have mine!! Baa Baa Baa to you!!

The reason why Conor has chosen St James's Square to make his protest is simple. The man will do anything to raise a few bob and that is why he has so many web-sites.
He wants to attract as many people as he can around that area so he can stick you all on the game down Piccadilly.
Don't worry, there will be plenty of business for both male and female supporters, I notice you have said you will be right behind him, maybe you can give him a treat while he's sleeping rough.
Hmmmm, a bit of rough around St James's Square, sounds interesting.
Anything for a few bob mate !!. :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:20 pm

I thought this was funny ..... :lol:

The Duchy of Cornwall, UK - British Royal In Corrupt Charity Construction Scandal.

by CornwallNews | June 1, 2008

Close on the heals of the Bishop of Truro's tacky PR escapade with a bulldozer on the
'Royal' Cornwall Showground in the north of the Duchy of Cornwall described HERE,a member of the British Royal family is now threatening to come,on June 6th 2008, all the way from England to the fourth country of mainland Britain, The Duchy of Cornwall, to compound establishment folly further by giving a replacement pavilion building, the 'Pavilion Centre',on the Royal Cornwall Showground her ill-researched and ill-founded stentorian stamp of approval.

As can be seen from the planning document extracts attached as images to this story, this building has been constructed on the back of a fundamentally flawed and, indeed, fraudulent planning application which claims that the Royal Cornwall Showground site has never experienced flooding! (Anyone who doubts CN's reporting of historical fact in this matter can find additional local press confirmation HERE.) Had the document been truthfully completed a full environmental impact assessment of landscape impact and flood risk potential would most likely have been required, particularly in view of the 20,000 metres of flood inducing tarmac hardstanding plastered upon the site in 2005 without planning permission - a complication to be avoided, it seems.

This despite the fact that the 'Royal' in question ,HRH The Princess Royal Princess Anne, was herself forced to don wellies and abandon the site in the middle of the 3 day Royal Cornwall Show in 1993, the year after the natural drainage and environment of the Royal Cornwall Showground near Wadebridge in the north of the Duchy of Cornwall was wrecked by the events described HERE and was forced to shut down half way through its three days to protect livestock and the public from injury arising from the quagmire of mud, slithering bulls, trapped vehicles and mud morassed exhibition marquees, trade stands, catering tents and livestock shelters.

Needless to say, such is the vicariously derived arrogance of the administrators of the Royal Cornwall Show that nothing has ever been done to acknowledge, accept responsibility for and put right the longlasting harm done to downstream residents by the consequences of their land mismanagement and dereliction.

Of course, in this current world of spin and mirrors where lip service is paid to the fundamental and profound changes in behaviour and lifestyle choices that will be necessary to adapt to the imperatives forced upon us by the extreme climate change future to which we have made a major contribution, such contradictory behaviour evidenced in the background and presentation of this replacement Pavilion building is par for the course in a world where we appear to be determinedly and suicidally unable to wean ourselves quickly enough from the fossil fuel addiction that has been allowed to insinuate itself into the weft and weave of every minute of our daily lives.

This replacemnt Pavilion building on the Royal Cornwall Showground is yet another case in point.It is being touted as a 'green' building festooned with recyclable this and recyclable that, low energy this and low energy that. However, in parallel with such greenwash PR spin this fraudulently procured Pavilion building is also being promoted as the basis of extreme fossil fuel consumption dependent events. This transparent hypocrisy of course is again unsurprising when the Royal Cornwall Showground has been the main driver,throughout the last forty years, of extreme skyline urbanisation and overdevelopment of the high ground between an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) and an Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to the south and west of the small
country town of Wadebridge and visible for up to twenty miles on a clear day . ALL planning appeals by developers that have been heard by the Planning Inspectorate in the previous pavilion building on the Royal Cornwall Showground have been found in favour of their respective developers, even when all the democratically elected councils and appointed regulatory bodies have been firmly opposed to the applications being determined.ATTACHED are pictures of the ugly high profile buildings that have mushroomed on the showground and next to it in the years since the showground ceased to be held at different venues across Cornwall and installed itself on this fixed and previously open field uncluttered farmland location in the 1960s.This high ground overdevelopment influence has again been manifested within the last year with planning permission being given to a massively disproportianate hotel to join the Filling Station,Tesco Supermarket and
grossly domineering industrial units that have all been allowed to congregate on the high ground of St Breock and intrude upon the daytime and night-time skyline and landscape through huge buildings and harsh widely intrusive night lighting.

Of course the now verifiably corrupt Charity that runs the Royal Cornwall Show, The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, is not too keen on democracy in action in any case. A curiously anachronistic and feudal method of maintaining the influence of the titled land owning aristocracy within the council and trustees of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association is this:

Each year a landowner,titled aristocrat or some other dignitary of profile is appointed President - 2008 Lady Banham (who???). At the end of their Presidency they then automatically join the long list of ex-president Vice Presidents who continue to be involved as trustees and members of the Council thereby maintaining their grip on the style and management of this archaic and feudal organisation.

HERE is the List of Trustees.

Scrutinise the list - Try this game - 'Spot The Toff!'

For those who may have missed it, a copy of Old Muckspreader's piece in Private Eye about the destruction of the landform of the upper reaches of Holy Valley in the parish of St Breock in the year before the flood of 1993 is also attached to this story HERE.

Those who may have missed it and would like to test their knowledge of the Corrupt Charity known as the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association can have a go at
'The Biggest and Best (And Muckiest Yet!) Farmyard Quiz' - HERE

Those who may be interested in how it may be seen that, by maintaining such sycophantic relations with Royalty and titled landowners and not opening itself up to wider involvement of the people of Cornwall in its affairs, the Royal Cornwall Show administrators do Cornwall and her people a dis-service and are actually aiding and abetting, preventing and inhibiting Cornwall's evolution towards the kind of levels of autonomy and self goverance within the UK now being attained by the two other Celtic countries of the British mainland, Scotland and Wales, might like to study the writings of historian John Angarrack in his new book 'Scat t’Larrups?' obtainable HERE and also
follow Mr Angarrack's recently launched and evolving website at .It opens the Pandora's box of the historical and continuing abuse and exploitation of Cornwall and her people and resources by external agencies and individuals in the neighbouring country of England.

Uploaded by CornwallNews | June 1, 2008
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:48 pm

More funny stuff :lol:

Corrupt British soldiers?

by Kulvinder on 17th November, 2007 at 2:08 am

Having been a fan of Ghaith Abdul-Ahad’s writing for a while I try to read whatever articles he posts. His latest piece in the Guardian is astonishing:

To reach Basra airport, the last remaining British base in Iraq, you have to pass through a series of Iraqi and British checkpoints. I took an official taxi, one that is permitted to drive into the airport. At a British checkpoint, a young soldier with sandy hair and a dirty flak jacket stuck his head through the window and said: “Badges.”

The driver handed over his ID badge and I gave him my passport. He handed the passport back and kept the driver’s badge. “Money,” he said to the driver.

“Me no money,” the driver said in broken English, forcing a big smile on to his face. “Money, moneeeyyy,” said the soldier. He pointed at the driver’s shirt pocket. “Me no money … me badge please,” the driver said, laughing.

“You give money, I give you badge,” said the soldier. “Camera, camera,” said driver, pointing at the nearby British watchtower. “Money, money,” repeated the soldier.

The driver handed the soldier a 5,000 Iraqi dinar note, worth around £1.50.

The soldier tucked it in his pocket and said: “No, I want that.” He pointed at a red 25,000 note in the driver’s hand. The driver insisted, “No.” After a bit of haggling, he was handed the badge.

“Fuck you, British,” the driver said as he sped off. “Isn’t it enough that I am paying at every Iraqi checkpoint? They all want money. My fare is 15,000 and by the time I pay everyone I am left with 5,000, and now you British. Fuck you. You don’t even have a moustache on your face and you want money.”

I have no reason to suspect he lied about what happened, and for all I know some bizarre administration fee is haggled and charged to anyone entering the British base, but taken at face value some of the soldiers have become little more than another layer of petty corrupt ‘officialdom’.

Source : Pickled Politics.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:52 pm

Not funny ... but good fodder ....

How Corrupt is UK Construction?

Monday, October 16, 2006
51% of UK construction professionals felt that corruption is commonplace within the UK construction industry according to a survey by the Chartered Institute of Building.

The survey asked over 1400 construction professionals what type of corrupt practice was most commonly found, and examined attitudes of how corrupt they deemed a variety of practices to be. The study also looked at the areas in which respondents felt that corrupt practice was most likely to occur.

82% of respondent’s were managers or directors; 57% worked in large companies, 20% were employed in medium sized firms and 23% in small organisations.

76% of respondent’s regarded the employment of illegal workers as widespread in UK construction; 60% felt that fraud within the industry was prevalent and 41% had been personally offered a bribe.

Michael Brown CIOB deputy chief executive said, “People define corruption in different ways. What is corrupt to one person might be common practice or just ‘how it’s always been done’ to another. We wanted our research to take the temperature of UK construction and find out what the perception is from those that work within it and its scale.

“Whilst the majority of respondents recognised corrupt practices for what they were, there was a concerning level of people who thought, for example, that producing a fraudulent invoice was not corrupt or that using bribery to obtain a contract was also not a particularly corrupt practice. We clearly have some way to go as an industry to make ethical construction the only construction.”

The World Bank has estimated the cost of corruption to the global economy at US$1.5 trillion a year. More specifically corruption in the Great British construction industry could cost anywhere up to £3 billion a year. The total cost of corruption to the respondent’s companies was estimated at £35 million per year.

© The Chartered Institute of Building 2008 U.K.
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