Feisty wrote:Magnus wrote:Feisty wrote:Magnus wrote:These are the actions of governments. What does Joe Public actually do when he hears of things like this? Nothing. It's the same for any case you can think of. When people lose their homes from typhoons or earthquakes, we see the disaster and feel sorry for the people, but not many of us give to a charity or go and help the victims. Again, it's not a lack of awareness, it's a lack of willpower to do anything because it's not 'our problem'.
The world knows about the Cyprus Problem. It's just that the world doesn't want to help because it has it's own problems.
You'll have to speak for yourself there Magnus. Personally I do a lot of charity work and give £100 to an African charity.
Then again I'd have to say I haven't seen much in the way of charity work in Cyprus. Perhaps I just wasn't looking.
I'm sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't saying 'we' as in 'you or me personally'. I meant that people in general, your average person in the street, do very little if anything at all when they see all the disasters or political problems in the world. Obviously some people are different but the vast majority are too tied up with their own lives and problems.
I've been on lots of the marches and protests for the Cyprus Problem and I can tell you that the vast majority of people that were there or interested in supporting the cause were Cypriots and people related to Cypriots. Average Joe just stared, but that's fair enough, while others were more than happy to shout abuse and mock the crying mothers carrying pictures of their missing loved ones.
Again, it's not lack of awareness, it's lack of will or interest.
Conor is fortunate because he is taking his protest to the streets of England where he can get the support of the other Brits who have suffered the same. If he does a good enough job, he can even convince other Brits that all Cypriots are evil fraudsters. Emphasising the racial divide is always good for stirring up support.
Try doing that in a country where you're the foreigner, like the Cypriots protesting in the UK, and it's a totally different thing. Let's see him take his protests to the streets of Cyprus.
My personal opinion would be that if Cypriots were to protest PEACEFULLY at the Turkish embassy they would not encounter any hatred from the authorities, would bring more publicity to their cause, which I still maintain is a total mystery to a majority of people, and am sure they would not have to endure threats against them by faceless strangers on a forum.
FYI, the cypriots do protest outside the Turkish embassy in london, or at least used to. Up until not long ago my uncle was part of a revolving group that camped out 24 hrs / day in a makeshift tent and a fire. This went on for ages, but I am not sure if it still does. The publicity has got them jack, and the cyprob is still there 34 years on. Its not a case on not trying. Its not all forum protesting the Cypriots in london and elsewhere do have these protests regularly, but it has not made a blind bit of difference.
This has nothing to do with the conor case, but just to reply to your posts regarding non protesting of the Turkish embassy by the GC. They do. If you can get shot for climbing a flag pole and beaten to death for protesting, then imagine what could happen by doing this in the North, its not really practical is it? i am sure you know that. its like asking a group of protestants to go into a catholic area and ask the IRA to leave, I will leave you to imagine the consequence.
Good luck against P. though