perdike wrote:Spanish_spinne wrote:Oracle wrote:But I think your English is getting better since a few months ago ...

You're very kind.
My spoken english is good, but I get lost with some expressions because I didn't speak it so much this days
On the other I write very bad because I'm dyslexic and most of the times I didn't realize when a word is not right written. (same in all the 3 languages I can write: spanish, Catalan and english)
Any way you all in this forum are so kind with it and nobody has never pointed at me for it.
Besos (Kisses)
Is dyslexia recognised by the Spanish Education Authorities, Spanish_spinne? Did you get specialised help through your schooling?
I am sure that, like most dyslexic people, you have some areas in which you are particularly gifted?
When I was a child Dyslexia in Spain was absolutelly unreconginzed and I had no help in my schooling. Now a days is not very different, they say they recognize, but they do almost nothing for the dyslexic children (I know it very well because my 13 years old daughter is and I quarry with the school every year)
In my case the problem was not so big because I can perfectly read, (in fact I can read from 2 years age) but not write and my mother pays special writing classes for me in a "special school" (I dont know if the concept is the same in english but I mean a school for people less "intelligent" than average) I learn how to write, but it was my shame all my childhood.
About being gifted, yes I can learn a language in very few time only hearing it (that's how I learn french, Italian and a little greek) but of course I cannot write it, and I also can read very very fast, a normal book (300 pages) lasts me a couble of working days or one free afternoon, no more.