turkcyp wrote:Alexandros Lordos wrote:G4. Another alternative on the issue of immigrants (Settlers) from Turkey is to acknowledge citizenship to those married to Turkish Cypriots, those born in Cyprus and those who arrived here before the age of 18, while also granting a permanent residence permit to their parents, who would remain citizens and voters of Turkey with the right to live and work in Cyprus. Everyone else will be required to return to Turkey within 2 years of the settlement, and will be compensated USD 20,000 per family, paid for by Turkey and International Donors, to help finance their relocation.
Both GCs and TCs can accept this!
I do not know why GCs accepted this proposal.
Because this proposal has a huge tendency to shift the population statistics in Cyprus. Any settler, (and actually even the ones which currently are not considered as settler right now) will be very busy making baby’s in the next one year.
This proposal actually will allow way much more than 45k settlers to stay in Cyprus, as even the current illegal workers in TRNC would qualify under this approach as opposed to Annan Plan’s fixed 45k proposal.
But hey, what do I know.
-mikkie2- wrote:One final thing, your survey does go against to the myth that the GC's as a whole don't believe they have alot to blame for the situation in Cyprus. I hope our TC friends take note of this.
-mikkie2- wrote:From what you say, it seems that the property provisions of any final plan are VITAL to whether the GC;s would accept the plan or not. It also shows the continued disapproval of how the settler issue is handled. This also still seems to be a vital ingredient for acceptability from our side.
Alexandros Lordos wrote:It would seem that the proposal that "all settlers should leave", is NOT unacceptable to TCs, so long as they are all re-housed, by Turkey, at their original place of residence. This of course will also require Turkey to live up to her own responsibilities vis-a-vis the Cyprus Problem ...
Saint Jimmy wrote:What do you mean, erol? What moral obligation does the TRNC have with regard to settlers? Were these people brought by the TRNC?
Saint Jimmy wrote:What do you mean, erol? What moral obligation does the TRNC have with regard to settlers? Were these people brought by the TRNC?
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