Sega wrote:Since this is my first year here, when concerning work I wanted to ask all Cyprus residence how the 15th of August is in Cyprus. Apparently more than half of the employees applied for leave during that time.
Does everything go dead?
How do people work during those times?
I have not applied for a break during this time, does this mean I will be doing nothing since I will have no clients?
This is all very confusing, normally in the UK summer is the busiest time of year, well it is for chips anyway. So how does this compare over here?
The 15th August is an important Church Festival.
But the closures over August are mainly office jobs (obviously schools are already closed) and are normal in hot countries ... even France has this tradition of the month of August being used for the annual holiday.
But I have not noticed any signs of things going quiet in the Tourist areas when I've been around this time of year before. Usually busier than other times of the year.
Things just go a little quiet in the afternoons because everyone needs a siesta to escape the heat ....
There! ... May I have some Chips now please