CanDiaz wrote:Oracle wrote:CanDiaz wrote:Yes we Spanish are as bad as everyone else( a lot worse if you ask any South American)
Not just south Americans .... you were the ones who would not allow Muslims to practice their religion in Spain and forbade them speaking their own language, forced them to become Catholics ... and this still took place until not too long ago.
So that's why I find it hard to believe that you are Spanish and fighting the cause of the "Muslims" in Cyprus ... unless you are one of these screwed up Muslims the Spanish are trying to honour now through the EU.
Are you honestly comparing what we did to the Moors, to what Pizarro did to the Incas or Aztec's?
You think the Muslim's had it bad in Spain? You forget about The Inquisition?
I'm not surprised you find it hard considering your a racist tool, but to me its just people, not Christian Muslim Inca Aztec, its just people because its 2008 & not 1821 or 1775 or whatever the f*ck...
What is a racist tool? ... A PCR machine You know nothing about race ... move on!
I do not condone what the Spanish did abroad ..... I merely reminded you they also were guilty of atrocities on their home turf.
I am atheistic ... so I care not for religions either .. but you have some contradictions.
Why are you as a Muslim hating Spaniard, denying what you did to the Muslims of your own country? ... things that we have never done to the Muslims of our country ... We have behaved better than the Spanish towards the Muslims of our own country. For example we have never converted any of their mosques to Churches ... even though they did that to us with Hagia Sofia ... Yet where have you built Cordoba Cathedral ... and why do you deny the Muslims using even part of it?
So you do not care for the Spanish Muslims (again you sweep under the carpet what the Spanish did to Muslims) ... yet you condemn us Cypriots for being hard on the TCs ... when compared to the Spanish we have been pussycats.
I agree on top of all that the Spanish have done a lot of harm abroad .... I did not excuse that, merely concentrating on remaining within topic, which in this case relates to Muslims in Spain or TCs in Cyprus.