Have we met somewhere perdike

perdike wrote:
Miltiades . . . I am deeply hurt. You swore you would NEVER forget me!
Fine words butter no parsnips,my man (if in fact you are a man!! A girl could make a mistake in the heat of the night):twisted:![]()
miltiades wrote:perdike wrote:
Miltiades . . . I am deeply hurt. You swore you would NEVER forget me!
Fine words butter no parsnips,my man (if in fact you are a man!! A girl could make a mistake in the heat of the night):twisted:![]()
I'm a man , this what I looked then when perhaps we met
And since then , this is me now
Bring back any memories ??
RichardB wrote:Ok Confession time I have been/am
GR, Phoenix, Zan,SSbubbles(webbo and ordainary bubbles)GavCar,Purdy, The Grim Reaper, VP, Svetlana ,Oracle, and am Admin (Bow down Mister)
OK I own the bloody forum- its my perogotive to be and do what I want - None of you exist you're all figments of my imagination and I'm on here on my own
Now Give me all your avatars and hang you heads in shame
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