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good will gesture

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:37 am

roseandchan wrote:hi dt basically from day to day experiences. i don't see the roc applying with e.u laws. fake goods is one point. disabled access is another. assylum. equality among all e.u citizens. i am a e.u citizen but i cannot use your hospitals or get free care paid for by your gov, so you can come to the uk and use ours but not the other way around. has the 1 donum per foreigner changed yet? again another unfair rule.the treatment of animals most e.u countries would be appalled by cyprus standards. just lots and lots of day to day things i see. for me it doesn't matter so much as the trnc looks after our medical needs ok.

You are aware , I hope you are , that our T/C compatriots do use the ROC hospitals as their right and it is also free. As far as foreigners , EU citizens or otherwise , residing in the ROC , I believe they too are entitled to free hospital treatment. Those that are not however entitled to the RoC health facilities , EU citizens or otherwise , are those that the LEGAL Government as recognised internationally, considers illegal entrants into any part of the ROC including the part that the RoC does not exercise its authority.
Those that enter Cyprus through non recognised points of entry are considered as illegal entrants.
Until a solution is worked out the occupied part of Cyprus will be unrecognised , not my words but the words of the entire international community.
You suggested that as a gesture of goodwill the RoC should " promote " direct flights into occupied areas , are you out of your mind , such an act will have to be a part and parcel of a negotiated settlement not an act that an illegal entrant into the RoC wishes to enact.
Your comments regarding animal rights in Cyprus are noted , I agree that the standards of animal care are below the acceptable EU norms , although greatly improved in the last 10 -15 years a lot is still needed , and progress is constantly made. Let us remind our selves that just over 100 years ago Londoners were visiting the London Zoo and taking along live cats in order to fit the lions and tigers , this practise no longer takes place I'm pleased to note.
as for your following comment may I suggest you formulated these opinions as your gesture of goodwill !!!

{fake goods is one point. disabled access is another. assylum. equality among all e.u citizens. }
What on earth are you on about woman , fake goods is one of UKs largest bloody business , as for disabled access , asylum bloody seekers and equality amongst all EU citizens are you kidding your self that in the UK all these virtues exist !!!
For your information the laws governing the purchase of land and property by EU citizens in the RoC is in line with EU directives , I'm surprised that you brought this up , I would have thought that being aware that Cyprus is a full member of the EU it would have to fully comply.
In short your knowledge of Cypriots is absolutely ZERO , you are what I generally call an English Sun reader with half baked ideas who considers them to be acceptable in the absence of an alternative.
From your very first post , your contribution to the" political " scene has been one of bias against the RoC and the G/Cs , and I , one who sees only Cypriots and does not differentiate between the G/Cs and the T/Cs have this to say to you. You know sweet fa about the Cypriots or indeed about much that goes on in this part of the world so my suggestion to you is to concentrate on reading your favourite press and leave politics to those whose lives are dependant on this island being their home unlike you and others who are merely here till something better comes along , perhaps Afghanistan in a few years or the West Bank.
Your truly !
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:46 am

Tourists visiting Cyprus are entitled to free health care and treatment under their E111 form.
Permanent residents of Cyprus who are citizens of another EU country are entitled, under EU regulations, to the same health care provisions as RoC citizens. That means that they must pay into the social insurance fund and, to qualify for free treatment, their annual income must be below a certain level. This rule applies equally to Cypriots and other EU nationals.
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Re: Goodwill measures?

Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:48 am

Open the Pyrgos/Yesilirmak checkpoint in a few weeks,as well as the old Larnaca/Nicosia road for transit,allow Greek-Cypriots to at least inspect their properties in Varosha

Yeah, I'd bet you'd like that, this is what its all about for you, your wifes properties. Honestly, you couldn't give a rats a** about cyprus could you!

stop calling everything in the north' pseudo' on this side would be a few good starting points.......

And this would really make you happy for us to attempt to pretend that the PSEUDO state doesn't exist, just to make it even easier for you.

My god you and Bananaidiot make one hell of a pair, I would hate to turn my back on you two, but make no mistake you are being watched with your treasonous attitudes. Go to hell!

Why are you not petitioning the PSEUDO authorities to give back what they took by force instead of pushing the GC to hold up the white flag? Do you feel no shame in what you say, you never denounce what Turkey has done, but constantly remind us here that we should all be good little boys and say sorry and let them do as they please. No chance buster, not this one.

But then again, you being a non cypriot, why am I expecting anything from you anyway!
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:18 am

Pantheman , to suggest that Bananiot's attitudes are "treasonous" is quite honestly pure nonsense.
As one who has also been referred to as a "traitor " by some , and having dispelled such nonsense in a recent poll , I find this inexcusable when directed to someone who clearly cares for the future of Cyprus and faces realities as much as these realities might be unwelcome by some.
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Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:06 pm

miltiades wrote:Pantheman , to suggest that Bananiot's attitudes are "treasonous" is quite honestly pure nonsense.
As one who has also been referred to as a "traitor " by some , and having dispelled such nonsense in a recent poll , I find this inexcusable when directed to someone who clearly cares for the future of Cyprus and faces realities as much as these realities might be unwelcome by some.


let me just quote you on what you said on another thread;

"We must negotiate a solution within the diplomatic parameters available to us and we must face realities just as the T/Cs also must , this island is ours , and theirs , together through diplomatic energies we can solve it. "

I can agree on the bolded statement, but your buddies Cymart and Bananiot (what the F is Bananiot anyway? Is it a name?) are not looking to negotiate anything, they are just looking to give it away and this is what I cannot stomach. Not only did Turkey come here, not only have they violated every law in the book, not only have the GC made to suffer many more times than the TC sufferings, it is the GC who are expected to keep bending over sir.

Give them passports / ID, free medical treatment, pensions and the many more benefits they get and yet we are the bad guys.

Oh here is one for you, go to any hospital and there you will see signs in the waiting areas saying that TC have priority, well F me Miltides, if this doesn't make your blood boil, nothing will. Then we have smart arses like Bananiot and Cymart who are telling us to just hand over the reins like good children and shut up.

When the turks came to Cyprus is neither here nor there in my book, the issue now is they are here and they need dealing with, either we can reach a negotiated settlement or we have to look at other methods, we cannot and will not be held to ranson forever.

Do you dig?
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:57 pm

Pantheman , I do not share all of Bananiots' views just as I'm certain he does not share all of mine.
You as well as the "regulars" on this forum are fully familiar with my views who have been consistent all along .
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:10 pm

Oracle wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Yeah right. Setting another trap and we havent even chosen black or white yet. 8)

There are Black and White pieces on a Chess Board.?? :shock: :shock:

Now, that's something in life that really is Black & White.!! :lol: :lol:

I have a set that is red and cream! :D .... and another with little figurines (like Russian dollies), all in different colours ....

But I reckon I could take on both of you .... 8) as I also have a three-man chess game ... in red, white and blue ...

Clearcut? :?


But I reckon I could take on both of you .... 8) as I also have a three-man chess game

So, you like to play a 3-way Chess, do you Oracle.??

How about a another interesting game, instead of Chess.

How about inviting me and Deniz over for a 3-way Strip Poker instead.! :lol: :lol:

I reckon too, that you can take us both on.!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:23 am

Kikapu, this is not called for. And having integrity, you can govern yourself, accordingly.

...i am sorry that I have to tell You this.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:49 am

CBBB wrote:Can I have some of what your drinking repulsewarrior?

...mostly water CBBB, the miracle cleaner.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:54 am

repulsewarrior wrote:Kikapu, this is not called for. And having integrity, you can govern yourself, accordingly.

...i am sorry that I have to tell You this.

I'm just having fun with Oracle Repulse.

Trust me, if Oracle was offended, she would have already let me know about it..
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