Kikapu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
Do you have actual details of names and people who were killed, GCs like to play with figures and show the worst case, dont forget many GCs died duing the coup. Do you have any sites or independent links to back up your claims?
dont forget many GCs died duing the coup.
What, GC's were actually dying to prevent the coupist from having ENOSIS with Greece.!!![]()
VP, are you not proud of those GC's who died, along with TC's, who tried to save Cyprus from ENOSIS.??
Yes I am.
Then stop accusing all GC's in wanting ENOSIS, as you try to do each time in trying to defend your "partition dreams" .!!
Kikapu, are you a lawyer? That was pure 'entrapment'. I better watch you. I might learn something.
Entrapment yes, but not in a legal sense, but rather an old fashion entrapment in the game of chess, as in "Check-Mate".!!
You better not play chess with me then. We will end up having a board smashed to smitherenes.(on your head. I dont like loosing my chess games